
I added some brown/stone ground mustards to my roasted vegetables when I did a Whole30 last year and it went a long way in fighting food boredom.

Guessing random string of letters up there has no understanding of different housing markets.

Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!

Oh certainly - and I hate to defend Tucker Carlson for anything, but I like my bow ties... :-/

Republicans used to be in favor of gun control when it was more of a racial issue. Ronald Reagan signed a gun control law as governor of California that was inspired by fear of the Black Panther Party.

Many of us progressives have long been gun owners. I like to hunt, but I don’t have a problem with universal background checks or requiring someone to demonstrate he can safely operate and actually hit a person-sized target inside 10 feet with a handgun before being issued an LTCF. Suggesting that one cannot both

Easily one of my favorite political videos of all time, but the bow tie comment as a low blow. I’d like Tucker Carlson more if he’d at least have the integrity to keep the bow tie.

Arbitrage and short selling are ways to make money by temporarily tanking a stock so that it can be purchased at a discount.

Given the rumors that Barron is autistic, if true, that would be a special low.

Which is just crazy, because the last American generation to have significant numbers of German-speakers were Baby Boomers’ parents. Of course, many of them went underground because of the whole WWII thing, so maybe it’s not so crazy.

Oh yeah - I’m a progressive and a hunter; few things bring me joy quite like explaining to one of these guys that venison is the most green, organic, free-range meat you can get and an ethical, well-placed bullet is a far kinder death than pretty much any that deer would have found in the wild, especially if the

Which would promptly fail spectacularly roughly six months later, soaking his investors and clearing himself a few mill.

The other person might have actually targeted you specifically because of your size. Someone with a chip on his shoulder might be looking to fight a bigger guy to prove a point.

Did you scold them for disrespecting our glorious country by talking and not displaying proper decorum during the singing of our national anthem? If not, did they at least get a proper side-eye with some appropriate tsk-tsk-ing?

Because it’s what my grandmother got me for Christmas and I’m not an ungrateful little shit.

Bird dogs (and planks) are frequently prescribed by physical therapists to people with lower back pain issues. Gotta rebuild that core stability.


I think he’s referring to the veterans who asked for modern armor and were told to suck it up by notorious hippy Donald “You Go To War With The Army You Have” Rumsfeld.

Amen - I’d love to see him pull that shit with this liberal snowflake here, living as I do in a Castle Doctrine state. I suspect he wouldn’t feel quite so smug facing down the barrel of a Mossberg 500 while being told his foot in the door is threatening. People often forget that Theodore Roosevelt was the founder of

Sometimes I wish they’d boycott Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, and Google for being companies that support liberal causes or something. Wouldn’t it just be such a shame if they stopped using those services? Maybe Peter Thiel can build them their own ConservativeOS and conservative social media to go with