
Not everyone is a nihilistic “fuck the world I did ok so fuck everyone else”. Some of us actually care about the crushing debt destroying an entire generation of people who were sold hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt before they were old enough to get a credit card.

So if it is on assets, they will hide asset offshore.”

It’s not about learning “that shit” so much as it’s about your resume going in the garbage without a second thought when you don’t have a 4 year degree, and then chucklefucks on the internet blaming you for not going to university while also blaming the people who did go for their own debt issues.

Imagine the economic boom you would see with a generation of people able to spend between 200-500 more a month. There is little downside to this, given most of it is publicly backed debt. I know a handful of people where the main reason they drive crappy cars or don’t own homes is their student debt, mind you these

I typically just use enough to dry myself. A bidet works pretty well at cleaning so no need for much other than to just dry. If my bidet had a blow dryer, I might not even use any toilet paper. As far as body hair, I’m no Sasquatch, but I do have body hair and it has never been an issue.

Hot take incoming: if you don’t put any work into it, you SHOULDN’T make money from it. That money comes from someone else who actually did have to work for it.

Well, we already knew they were gullible cause they voted for Trump.

If you stay below freezing, that’s cool
The problem is when it goes above freezing during the day, and below at night.
Now all that good walking snow is a sheet of ice.

Hi! Sand is more environmentally friendly than road salt. It doesn’t melt the ice, but it does increase traction and make it safer for walking. You could use a mix of both sand and road salt if you’re really worried about falls. 

I’ve grown up in Southern California for almost my entire life, and driving past Joshua Tree is every bit as much a part of the life as the beach or the moutains.

Now playing

Seems like trying to cut in a circular motion on an upturned head that is wobbly would be rather difficult.

Oh man, that drove me nuts when like, Extreme Makeover Home Edition did one in St. Louis - for one of the kids, they flew out to friggin’ Ohio or something just to see Jack Hanna, instead of just going to the most excellent St. Louis Zoo. (I dunno, maybe scheduling was weird, so it was filmed earlier than the rest or

Love the Dutch—assuming he was Dutch, but if not, I stand by my statement.

That is next-level snack drawer strategy! Love it and will use it. 

I expected the stories about Paris, in my own experience Parisians were not difficult and were kind to our lack of French (and our shitty pronunciation of whatever French we did know). The easiest way to get kindness from strangers is to be kind to them first.

My favorite one: in an Amsterdam bar, a couple of American frat bros went in and started “Where’s the weed?”. Answer: “We’re not that kind of bar, go down the road.”

If you are an adult traveling to a foreign country, you must absolutely learn 10-12 words/phrases to help you get around and also demonstrate a modicum of respect for the culture and people you are visiting. This seems like common sense but I was mortified when I travelled to France a few years ago with a class of MBA

We had one of these when the kids were little. Each had his own drawer. I added the idea that the drawer would not be refilled until it was empty, and I told them the drawer included an equal number of veg, fruit, dairy/protein, and carb; they could eat in whatever order they wanted, but if they didn’t plan, they’d

I’m seeing it all the time in the greater LA area.  We’ve always had a lot of coal-rollers too though, and we also have superchargers everywhere so the chances of me stumbling upon it are higher.

Raw eggs over rice is a common Japanese breakfast. Its called Tamago kake gohan.