Don’t call another person a “faggot”.
Don’t call another person a “faggot”.
That’s the joy of an at-will state - you’re better off not telling someone why you’re firing him: you can fire someone for no reason, but not the wrong reason.
It worked out fantastically in their case, but one datum does not make a study.
I don’t really see the issue. At my alma mater, our head coach and assistant coach were married. Then again, it was a small program a DIII school.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Exactly - a guaranteed ROI of whatever the interest rate is.
I didn’t realize I was a rich, white dude - how do you figure? Might want to stock up on your tin foil if the lizard kings are beaming secret information about random internet people into your head.
I didn’t get a chance to read the linked articles - was that discussed in another one or was that alleged in one of the divorce filings?
My working theory is that conservatives have realized that being a bigot, racist, etc. is a bad thing, which is good in that it has made those things taboo and demonstrates real progress in our society. Furthermore, due to the need to reconcile one’s thoughts and actions with a positive self image, they do not want to…
Like SillyMe8, I was puzzled by the headline and confused why it would be an issue that a man was replacing a woman as editor of a publication specifically targeted at men. While it makes sense that it might be notable for a woman to take the helm of such an organization, I was not aware of the backstory. Thank you…
Oh, man - yes. That was how we started out: do your own shit, clean up your own dishes, wipe up after yourself in the kitchen, make sure you’re helping out with cleaning the bathroom once in a while and taking the trash out. In short: clean up after yourself and be considerate of others. Real simple stuff, right, mate?
I can confirm that with anecdotal evidence - Southwest got me on the next available flight with no extra charge and no questions asked when I missed my flight within minutes. They were wonderfully accomodating and made a really stressful situation a lot more pleasant.
I don’t think it’s like that at all; I think the NFL is run by people who only give the minimal amount of required shits about players’ health, and only when they are forced to.
What’s with the beard hate? Shave, don’t shave, ladies, men, it’s no one else’s business but your own.
Having worked in a state legislature, it’s amazing how many of these older guys just don’t understand. It seems pretty No Duh to those of us who grew up with this stuff, but the folks born before the ‘70s/’80s can be surprisingly clueless. That doesn’t get them off the hook by any means, but a little training can go…
That doesn’t rationalize vigilante “justice.” At most, if at all, the biker’s actions might warrant a ~$200 ticket, not a trip to the hospital and potentially life-altering injuries. Either way, it wasn’t the driver’s place to decide; he very easily could have killed someone, and his actions were far more reckless…
Gives the little dust mites feasting on your dead skin cells a chance to desiccate while still offering you the joy of getting into a made bed - best of both worlds!
Feather duster or shop vac?
I have a similar organizational method for such items: a trash can.
Also, if a guide says that the monkeys have figured out that plastic grocery bags typically contain food and not to carry them around outside of your pack, one should heed that advice, because said guide likely knows what he’s talking about. Monkeys are surprisingly fast.