Don’t bother man, ignorant assholes everywhere. I like that picture a lot!
Don’t bother man, ignorant assholes everywhere. I like that picture a lot!
Who gives a shit where the ground ends and the tires begin? It showcases the flowing lines that shape the car.
Fuck you and the bowtie you rode in on.
Maybe the photographer, who did a very nice job on this particular picture, will criticize your overly obnoxious post done all in CAPS with shit for punctuation and sentences that make zero sense. Just because a picture doesn’t fit your idea of what it should be, doesn’t mean it isn’t an excellent photo. Get over…
Also, it’a a sunrise.
You took a great photo that you have every right to be proud of, sonicgabe.
This photo makes excellent use of edge light to highlight the dramatic lines of this Ghia’s design, and good use of color using only available light. It’s not supposed to be a car ad. It also works well as a desktop wallpaper, its promoted purpose, as its composition and largely silhouetted exposure isn’t busy and…
All the props to Gabe.
You know I never really liked them much, but I thought this picture actually makes it look great.
Wow. That’s lovely.
Absolutely stunning. Beautiful car
This photo took some major dedication to snap, and it sure was worth it—for both the photographer and the rest of us…
Thank you, kind commenter, for not laughing at her like my husband did me the last time (approximately 8 years ago) I wore lingerie for him. (It was a matching red and white bra and panty set from lane bryant, which I thought was very cute and not threatening or too ‘try-hard’).
This story made me smile. Just wanted to let you know. :-)
Kudos to you for finding that somewhere in there. Made it a few pages and died of dysentary.
My favorite song from a very underrated band. Kudos!