
It is the emoji people use to signify a phallus.

Oh wait, that’s not right...

Please. If he could shape-shift, that would mean that he’s chosen to look like he does.

Holy crap the drive off!!! #Rallyasfuck

Oh, for the days when products like this looked innocent, and didn’t instantly conjure mental images of black dick...

Jokes aside those are delicious!

I want to buy it!

View My Virgin Video

That’s the next Lana del Rey album’s cover.

Or maybe the Force has been used to keep it hidden all these years...

Winston’s attorineys,

It is not shocking to see this type of business practice. It seems to spring up from time to time, then prices rebound back to even keel. These companies seem to strut around, thinking they are above the law until they get jounced back to reality. The fine seems pretty stiff but you know what they say, those are the

and re-invents the dry sump.

Roberto actually finished ahead of his teammate at Silverstone.

It’s via the browser, I only had a 5 minute loss of coverage not too bad considering I streamed it for 24 hours. Also I was able to use multiple tabs and multiple computers to access the feed, at one point I was watching 4 feeds simultaneously.

I did this a while back. Why you may ask? I have no idea!

The N24 is the most brutal endurance race in the world. BMW, MB, Audi, Porsche, Aston, Toyota, Nissan and us all make cars that can potentially win and at least finish that race. IMHO McLaren and Ferrari don’t. I'd love for them to prove me wrong as I'd love to race against them next year as sadly none showed up to