
Llama colored, obviously.

Agreed - when they first started the project, there was great coverage down here in SWFL (hi neighbor!) but as soon as Gov. Voldemort yanked the funding, the papers down here shut up pretty quickly. And yes, I blame him directly for pulling funding - God forbid he get caught up in doing the right thing when he can

2 Live Crew did it first.

Now playing

This right here 28.5 Liter Fiat just sounds like power and furry unleashed. Such and ungodly sound but some how beautiful.

"Those wings *were* spicy!"

It's the internet, ALWAYS default to smug asshat... Much like snark.

That's very interesting, and makes perfect sense to me. Thank you for that! You should certainly be out of the grey. Stef, come help him out!

Nah, they just used the stock image they got from Subaru Australia.

He is going to fit right in.

This looks disturbingly like a pro-date-rape campaign.

Maldanado approved!!!