
I will seriously stab myself in the eye with a pencil if ANYONE EVER BRINGS UP THE DUKE LACROSSE CASE AGAIN. For serious, how many women have been raped since then? How many real rape cases dismissed. But, Duke Lacrosse! Duke Lacrosse. PENCIL IN EYE.

THANK YOU! Everything. This is everything.

Richard Bradley and Soave may have doubted the veracity of the story—which they had the right to do.

I think a few things need to be kept straight here. . . . this rape may or may not have happened. However, I think it's important to keep clear that, in my cases of rape, victims stories change. Stories can change due to trauma. Or real victims of real rape may change aspects of their stories for a variety of

Okay, I definitely get that. I'm sorry for misunderstanding!

Hi there. . . you seem like a reasonable person—so I hope I do not seem like I am attacking you. . . . because I am not trying to. But, it seems to me that no one in this story had the idea that anal sex was a "safe" thing to do—it seems like there was a rapist who potentially hoped to cause harm and then the women

I completely agree. I had no idea that my response to rape—which was neither "fight or flight" was completely psychologically and physiologically normal until I had a therapist explain it to me several years after the fact. We need to do a better job of telling men and women that the truth of their sexual assault is

Like you said, there are all sorts of reasons a person might not resist—physical reasons—like feeling overpowered—or psychological reasons. There are also many factors that place some individuals at greater risk for sexual violence. I am sure you know about these. . . .so I do not mean to tell you what you already

Sorry! You can send tips to jezebel. . . I think it's "tips@jezebel.com"

you could send it in as a tip.

You did not compare the "history" of the two races. You compared making generalizations about each race: "Heck, 33% of African Americans today will be arrested in their lifetime, so it would be more likely to see an African American in 2014 and assume he's been arrested than to see a white man in the South in 1860

Oh for goodness sakes.

Stop it with the straw men. No one ever said anything about white women not going out in their Sunday finest. . .

You're totally right. It would be so racist to assume that a black person in the South, prior to the Civil War, was a slave. Because you would be making a judgment about a person's social status/ "profession" (cough) based on the color of their skin, which is basically the same thing as making a judgment about a

The poster never used the words "same thing." But made several comments indicating an equivalency, such as: "Heck, 33% of African Americans today will be arrested in their lifetime, so it would be more likely to see an African American in 2014 and assume he's been arrested than to see a white man in the South in 1860

Yes, I totally agree. I tried to say that. . . but maybe I didn't say it clearly. All generalizations based on "group" are wrong, wrong, wrong and, you're right: counter-productive. The counter-productivity is the worst part. Because we can't get anywhere if that's the path we choose ("you're black, so you're like

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Just stop it. Making generalizations about white people, particularly white people who lived in the slave-holding south, but also just white people more generally, is not the same thing as making generalizations about African Americans. If one makes a generalization about white people, you

I snark on Lena Dunham for both justified and unjustified reasons.

I think you make a really good point. . . .I actually despise what I have seen of Korina on TV (knowing she may be different in person)? She just seemed so vain and vicious (outside of just this one incident). But, I think you're right that she does have the right to be pissed.

This is garbage. Because it is trying to teaching women not to be victims, while saying nothing about how men should not be criminals. What makes this kind of "rape-prevention" particularly harmful is the more global culture of victim blaming it encourages. If a woman was using her cell phone, and then got