Is this “making a move?” . . . . .
Is this “making a move?” . . . . .
I don’t mean this in a jerky way—but I think that perhaps you should review your definition of non-consent. . . .as like you said, rape=non-consent. at least in Outlander (haven’t seen GOT) that is some non-consent. Unless you think “agreeing” to sexual intercourse that you have previously refused to engage in (and…
Nicely put.
did she give a rationale for this? so effed up.
As a victim of sexual trauma. . . . I have to say I *sometimes* enjoy it. . . . but only if it’s done very, very well—like, realistically (not in the sense that we have to see everything that happens)—but realistically in the sense of the emotional trauma and the healing (and non-healing) that happens after. It makes…
WHO IS THE 55 YEAR OLD MAN???! Inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks :). . . I appreciate that a lot. . . .I really agree with what everyone has basically said here. . .It seems very possible that he is the abuser and that this is part of the abuse . . . It’s such an awful situation—we do so much to discredit victims and there is already such a hostile and judgmental environment…
I don’t have sympathy for him. He seems like a horrible person. I just think it’s iffy to apply some sort of metric to how we judge allegations of abuse. Like, “He must not have been abused because X. . . .” That puts us in a dangerous place. We open the door for all sorts of, “The victims lying, obviously. . . .”…
Like I said. . . .I have no idea whether he is a victim or not. And, while poverty is undeniably a tragic obstacle for so many abuse victims, rich individuals can also be abused. Many factors, in addition to access to resources, can affect an individual’s ability/choice to leave their abuser. Again, I certainly can’t…
I think you’re probably right. . . .in so far as I am in a place to judge ;). And, if this is the case, it’s such a terribly mysogynistic move—keeping her in a legal and psychological stranglehold. He does seem like a real douche. . . . .but, I guess I am conflicted. I feel like we should try to be as even-handed as…
I’m a fan of Sofia Vergara’s. . . .and the embryo shit is insane. . . .But, I feel like it’s a misstep to mock his claims of abuse or to express out-right disbelief until we see otherwise. I’m not saying we have to necessarily believe the claims. . . .but the world is a very un-friendly place to male victims of…
Have you heard the This American Life where Lindy West connects with someone who trolled her? He admits to having been very sad and angry at the time. . . .and threatened by a woman with confidence. It’s a pretty great episode. . . .
I was 19 and a total idiot and I also made this same prediction. I mean I dyed my hair black and my roots fire-engine read and binge-drank white Russians and I KNEW it was going to be a shit-storm, not least because the US seemed to show zero knowledge about the Sunni, Shiites, or Kurds. . . . not to mention it was so…
Wow. I kind of love her.
Here’s a great clip of Stephen Colbert the “real man” compared to the parody he plays on his show:
No, seriously, he is actually in character all of the time on that show. His point is to mock the views of the character—who is a right wing nut and says offensive things about just about everyone who right wing nuts say offensive things about—the whole point of the show is to skewer those ideas as idiocy.
It’s as if they were like, “Is there any way we can make it so this legislation is more viciously mysogynistic?! I mean, right now, we’re only preventing women from making informed decisions about whether or not they want to have a child after discovering that child could have a debilitating disease. . .. Oh, right,…
Ugh. They all seem vapid as hell. But I feel so sorry for them. . . . .particularly the younger ones. . . .How long has Kylie Jenner been in the public spotlight? Of course she’s already modifying her appearance at 16/17 years old. . . . Kris Jenner seems like a uniquely gross human being. Exploiting the lives and…
What made her classless? Like you said, she was extremely talented—which, in and of itself—is pretty freaking classy. I mean, she seemed to have a rich knowledge of genre and innovation—more than just a great voice.
I am not going to say anything about whether I think the assault happened or did not happen. . . .because obviously I could not know. However, I do think that many young men/women who ARE assaulted have mistakenly assumed they were drugged. . . .either because they consumed more alcohol than they believed, or because…