Sucks she wouldn’t do an interview. This probably didn’t help!
Sucks she wouldn’t do an interview. This probably didn’t help!
Wow, Natasha Vargas-Cooper called this “lady” (I hate the word lady) a “bitch” on Twitter. She meant it as a “term of affection,” but ugh. I mean... ugh. Why do I read Jezebel.
INADEQUATE. Only a statement condemning the crime and the parental cover-up, with a clear affirmation that the show is canceled, will suffice.
Thank you. I hate Tinkerbell. I hate Peter Pan. When my kid got into a phase of wanting to watch it all the time, I told him as many times as you want to watch Peter Pan, that’s how many times we’re going to talk about racism and sexism. Sorry, kid.
If we can blame everything bad that happens in black communities as the fault of absentee fathers, can we blame this on the presence of white fathers?
The accuracy of what you wrote is infinitely upsetting.
When speaking about Michael Brown, a teenager, Huckabee called him ‘a thug’ and said he could have avoided his fate if Brown would have behaved himself. So apparently it’s ok to shoot black teenagers, but white teenage abusers deserve our respect and some privacy. Are people even listening to themselves anymore?
Added to the fact that these same girls get to hear all of these “Christians” talk about it being a “mistake”. Because stuff like that is just an oppsie.
I love how the girls - the real victims - have become completely invisible in all this. And when I say love, I mean “I would like to set someone’s face on fire”.
If you’re bragging that your child molestation is somehow “better” than another, both parties need to quit. Y’all failed at life.
Get this fucking family off tv please
Given how the press is scrambling to defend her rapist and she is not backing away from her story, hero is an appropriate term. Sorry she’s about two centuries too late to be at the forefront liberating the slaves, but what a fucking shit comment.
Cuba Gooding, Jr, David Schwimmer, John Travolta, and Selma Blair? Dear God it’s like a Washed Up 90s All-Star Team.
I’ve interviewed the author of this post and Emma Sulkowicz for Gawker. I consider myself to have a reasonable bullshit detector, and a strong grasp of the issues involved at Columbia. I found the author and Emma surprisingly forthright, wholly credible, and supremely conscientious at all points in our interviews. I…
Absolutely. I’m just reacting to the quote from the police lieutenant, who we can reasonably assume has some responsibility for the fact that this guy was free, saying that, oh, too bad the victim didn’t fill out a piece of paperwork like we told her to because *that* somehow would have acted like a magic shield.
I believe you, and you are my hero for having the courage to updog Cathy Young. I said so then, I’ll say it again now.…
I think you are really confused about what consent is, and I’m done discussing this with you because I literally can not say it more clearly than I have. :)
Eh. I disagree.
With Outlander, coerced consent is not considered consent.
With GoT, Sansa never actually consents. She doesn’t fight or say no, true, but she definitely does not say “yes” or act in any way like she wants what is about to happen to her. She is passively non-consenting.