
Ask first.

I've had plenty of bad sex in my life. And I've had sex I didn't really want to have. And I have been raped. All if this pearl-clutching is non-sensical. I would never have gone to the police over any of the bad sex I had or any of the bad sex I had that I didn't really want to have. But I should have gone to the

My first response is GOD&#$)&#&F(#&$(#&$(CK@#F*&@F*$^^$.!!!!!!

I am 30 and I have already said this same thing several times to the youngins. Or you'd hear only a few seconds of a really great song but no one would say what it was and you had no google to look up the lyrics???!! I went on a three week trek to figure out the source of "With or Without You" after I first heard

I actually handheld a boom box up to the TV to record the Spice Girls performing on SNL. And then rocked out to it on my walkman.

I agree with you. . . . there is nothing on the surface, or seemingly below the surface, of Taylor Swift that seems socially "different" to the point where she would be considered as socially "out of place." So my comment is going to be a little non-sequitorious. . . . I think she's changed a lot over the past few

Hi there. . . .I got into a lot of long and great conversations on this thread about this topic and I completely agree with you. . . .I do sympathize with the OP—because I think her intentions were good, and I think that I, and many well-intentioned white women, might have done the same thing (which doesn't make it

This is what enraged me the most when certain Pro-Lifers would campaign on my college campus with pictures of dead fetuses. . . . next to the vile pictures they had huge signs saying, "The American Genocide." Regardless of your feelings re: abortion—you might think we are brutally killing babies with souls and

I think the outrage is due to 1) A person being placed in a cell with a person who previously sexually assaulted them and 2) The higher probability that trans-women will be a vulnerable population in terms of sexual assault specifically, and abuse more generally.

I'm not going to read the thread. . . .because I haven't watched it and, spoilers! But can someone tell me, was it good? I love Scandal. And I love Seasons 1-5 of Grey's. I have hate-watched seasons 6-8, but sometimes they still manage to make me cry, through my hate. . . . All season long I will think, "this is

I'm curious about this. . . . .A big part of carrying a rape and/or abuse storyline really is in the execution and I've had a feeling that SVU veers into sensationalist territory—sometimes using rape story lines as more lurid entertainment than actually examining rape? I say this having only seen two episodes or so.

Thank you so much for this conversation! I have learned a lot from it—and I really appreciate it.

My "boss" (academic advisor) says racist things. Not on the level of the n-word—but more on the level of, "I'm not racist, BUT racial bias is inborn, it's been proven" (no such thing has been proven). And it gets even worse than this. I have thought about reporting my boss. It is deeply violating to listen to a

Seriously. This is the epitome of non-apologies. This woman threw plantation parties. She used the n-word. Her employees had to work in a racist environment. She threw PLANTATION PARTIES.

Sorry for going on and on, but I just thought of something else. . . . Or a more concrete example of what I am talking about. . . .

Hi, I think you are right on every account. And thank YOU for engaging in this conversation with me. It means a lot to me that you are willing to talk to me about this—and the conversation has enriched my perspective—especially regarding what it means to be an "empathetic white person" and how that might be

Hi! Thank you for that clarification. Also an FYI, from my part. I am not sure that I feel comfortable, as a white person, saying "PoC." This is just because I have seen it more recently as a term used by people who have self identified as being a PoC, and I wasn't sure I had the right to use it. I wasn't sure it

I'm sorry that it sounds self-congratulatory and excuse-making. I also agree with an "all or nothing" approach when it comes to racism. But part of that approach, I think, must be for white people to identify their own ignorance. You can learn a lot about racism from reading and talking about it with people have

I'm sorry that it sounds self-congratulatory and excuse-making. I also agree with an "all or nothing" approach when it comes to racism. But part of that approach, I think, must be for white people to identify their own ignorance. You can learn a lot about racism from reading and talking about it with people have

I think you have nailed it. . . .and I am so happy that you did. This statement really did it for me: "even a passive expression of empathy can read like you're inserting [their] own feelings into an experience that isn't yours." I have definitely been guilty of this. . . .not because I have wanted to make the