Translation - “a new Model Y is gonna cost yall exactly $56 billion”
Translation - “a new Model Y is gonna cost yall exactly $56 billion”
Everybody knows the simplest solution is usually the best. But definitely doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Yes, don’t buy a crappy over priced electric car. That also prevents supporting the whinny White Nationalist / Confidence Man known as Mr. Elon Musk...
Anyone so reckless to bring a loaded gun to an airport ought not be allowed a gun. I’m not even sure they oughta be trusted with blunt spoon, to be honest.
I think we mostly agree. A mild lift is generally fine, but those giant ones are just dumb and can be dangerous. I remember years ago a guy locally had a GIANT fucking jacked up truck like makes bro dozers look like bitches. It was so tall he had to mount the headlights on a bracket below the bumper to get them at…
I miss real journalism, too. Not just here, but everywhere it seems.
I bought a new CVCC Civic in 1979. Loved that car, it ran forever and its reputation drove thousands to go buy the new Accords and Preludes that came out later.
This is the correct answer. Give us Android or Apple connectivity for maps and apps and button / knobs for all car functions
This is almost the exact conversation my wife & I had last night about the ‘gigacasting’ thing. We are a blast at parties, I can assure you.
If only this kind of miracle technology could be integrated into something portable I could carry around in my pocket with me at all times.
Nah because you can imagine sitting in the Goose, dressed up with your best dame and drinking martinis like it’s 1955.