
Seems like the software and the controls, apart from that navigation glitch, are useable and well thought out. Nice to see that VAG can do those kinds of things - hopefully they’ll fix the dumpsterfire they have going on in the VW EVs.

High performance tournament fishing boats, regardless of type, have always been stupid expensive relative to the overall market. Lots of specialized stuff, lots of “extra” to deal with stupid amounts of power to generate stupid amounts of speed while still being fishable, and of course the halo effect from tournament

This is to, say, the Suez canal and Baltimore bridge incidents like a news item on a pothole on a neighborhood road is to the story of that ginormous freeway bridge collapsing in Minnesota back in the day. As in, it’s not only not apples to apples, it’s not even treefruit to treefruit...

If you have evidence you could supply, you might want to consider going the federal whistleblower route. That might just be the thing that spurs a deeper digging by the feds and possible prevents some future disaster. Beyond being a good thing to do for the common welfare, there’s a pretty hefty reward structure in

I think you’re conflating two separate issues there by bringing “free speech” into it. Free speech, at its core, is the 1st amendment’s guarantee that the government must not interfere with free expression of ideas. No government entity is telling Musk what he can or cannot say, or what speech he can or cannot

Debtors =/= Creditors. In the context of bankruptcy, it’s a bit of an important concept...

Kudos to Honda and Mazda for making vehicles that do well as appliances but still can offer a bit of fun. The beauty of the Miata has always been that it provides all the fun of driving a 1960s lightweight British roadster with the hassle-free reliability and basic cost of ownership of a modern compact car (minus, of

Well, you could say the same about all those insanely expensive, super-intricate Swiss watches that obscenely rich people are so fond of. It’s apt they’re referencing that in their interior design (minus, of course, that really tacky ‘taped on iPad’ screen - wtf?). There’s no functional reason to have an automatic

All the folks who want to buy a car for the purpose of safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation would consider that a really strong endorsement. If your car is just a transportation appliance, “exciting” isn’t all that high on the list of priorities, and “boring” is downright awesome.

It could be a brilliant strategy if it weren’t for the folks impressed by his BS also being the least likely to buy an EV because of the culture wars...

Tesla’s sales numbers are actually shrinking a little, though. Which for a company that’s valued like a tech stock with insane growth potential is a bit of an issue. I’m sure Elon will get right on that once he’s properly incentivized, though...

It’s the old ‘you don’t get what you pay for, you pay for what you get’. 

Given the iPhone’s huge market share, I have to at least give Apple props for the mass delusion they’ve created that the most generic phone out there is somehow a mark of exclusivity. Truly baffling.

2) I didn’t know Pixels had some kind of a stigma?

Agreed - with the Corolla, the value proposition of hybrid over regular drivetrain is pretty much only efficiency. Here, the value proposition is that it’s a nicer, more powerful vehicle that also more efficient. Very different approaches.

In general, he’s been an asshole to lots of people. With women, there’s an added element of creepiness. Let me put it this way, if my son and my daughter were both working in his orbit, I’d be concerned for both of them. But my concern for my daughter would have a different quality to it.

Not saying that it was, just pointing out that Lutz, who attached his name to this after his stint at GM, came across to me during that career (which was the thing that bought him the stature in the industry to then get in on other projects, like this one) as a bit of a blowhard.

I seem to remember Bob Lutz mostly for claiming for many years that GM was back to being a true leader - and those assertions not remotely passing the laugh test.

So brand positioning wise, they might be going for a Toyota equivalent of what GM is doing with GMC here. There are lots of wealthy people who wouldn’t be seen in a Cadillac, because it wouldn’t go over well, or because they think it’s too blingy/gaudy. Think owners of construction companies, wealthy suburban

If you’re EV curious, an Ioniq5 has a bit more interior space than the average compact CUV.