
This was also about ten years ago, and the Knicks were terrible

I usually bring marbles and discretely roll them out onto the floor

This. Police officers are not draftees or conscripts. They are paid exceptionally well and given extraordinary benefits that are not commiserate with the skill level needed to execute their duties. Why? Because their jobs, when done well and properly (i.e. not resorting to lethal force as the first and last option for

“[W]hether or not it’s plausible in a universe where people measure distance in parsecs,...”

Keep in mid a roofer or UPS delivery driver is in more day-to-day danger than a cop. I don’t hear them being praised for their nobility and valor.

I never knew there was leftover charcuterie.

We called the AT ST the scout walker growing up.

Yeah, we know she doesn’t give a fuck. She doesn’t give a fuck if you’re rich or if you’re poor and trying to make a living in the gig economy. If her food isn’t delivered on time she’s going to harass you on the internet.

Total disagreement. This is definitely your perspective and I'd say it's fairly incorrect. 

I just don’t have the palette to appreciate a flavor of that depth.

This needs more cztars.

I get what you are saying, but the other side of the coin is that Black Adam has been DC’s Namor for the last decade or so. BA is an anti-hero who only adheres to his rules of justice, protecting the kingdom of Kandaq however he sees fit. He is arrogant and ruthless (much like Namor) but his motivations are largely

Why is everyone acting like because Damon wrote a diatribe to airplane travel the length of a prolog to Ulysses, that my retort/response must the size of a “short” Robert Frost poem?

I think Petey is Lube Man, they look like they have similar frames. His slide into the sewer was cool!

Heck, let ‘em stand. What I don’t care for is the ones who make a break for the door from the back of the aircraft. Sitting or standing, wait in order like the rest of us.

After this episode my thinking that he’s probably on Mars has elevated to, 100% he’s on Mars.

It’s not a sandwich if I can’t pick it up and eat it with my hands.

Not sure where this new meme that Benioff and Weiss are incompetent fuckups came from. So people didn’t like the last season of Game of Thrones, and that means the guys responsible for the previous seasons, raptly watched by millions, are talentless hacks?

(while I’m making rules, if you’re requiring people to wear heels you want to continue to participate in society without being branded as a pariah, you are not allowed to have a cash bar)

Sister Night’s theme slaps and sounds a lot like mid 00's NIN to me.