Honestly, the Chevy Volt is a pretty good option here. It’s not manual, but it’s a heck of a car that accelerates quickly, it quiet as a church on Tuesday, and can swallow a ton of cargo with the hatchback. Gen 1 is a bit better for tall folks (i’m 6'4") but both generations can work. It’s worth a test drive.
FTC? Uber is shady as hell, but there is no reason for the FTC to be involved - Taxi company or no. I despise Uber with every bone of my body, but they are still better and more competitive than any Taxi I’ve ever taken.
Being On This Cruise Ship Caught In The ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Is My Personal Hell
Stuff matters little to the real rich. It’s all disposable and replaceable with the insurance money — if it even mattered in the first place. In fact, better to get you to burn it to the ground so thay don’t have to.
But you never told us what color shoes you were wearing at the time... Perhaps you could add a little more detail to your posting?
Sometimes the stresses of life overpower a person’s normal thought process. A earlier fight with a spouse, your kid getting in trouble at school, contemplation of the chemical composition of those snowflake things in the alternative university in Stranger Things...
I’ve flown twice in 10 years
Detroit is awesome for a layover. Tons of remodeled properties and somewhat functional public transportation.
Why aren’t people just going downtown, check in at some hotel and just wait while checking the news? I don’t understand.
You get my star and my agreement..
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Romas 13:1
That would result in a divide by zero error...
On one hand, you can help solidify a fledging electric car manufacturing program so that is becomes a viable part of the US-economy, or we can just give up and import them from China like we do for everything else. We can subsidize fossil fuels and the terror-supporting governments where those fuels are extracted, or…