Super helpful!
Super helpful!
... or to give them feeling of power as they continue to slide toward irrelevancy in a techincalogtically advanced and globalized world they can neither comprehend nor participate in.
I realize this isn’t a real journalistic endeavor, but third-world is never the correct term to use for developing countries. Either use a proper reference or just call them a shit-hole country™ and be done with it.
At least in Texas, the larger ones are expanding dramatically.
Not a fan of the styling either, but MANY people are (or just don’t care). It is the second most popular Chevy.
Which is appropriate because he is truly an ass and he is his own (and only) best friend.
And they know it! The spigot of cash that flows from dealership owners to politicians is nothing short of egregious.
Dude... Chill a bit. Without Europeans we would have never had Jacuzzis or PEZ dispensers.
It’s only the parking lot and the grid has a ton of excess capacity at night (At least outside Texas).
About damn time Americans made a honest wagon/estate/saloon again!
The Cymru Shamu...
That gets my vote...
Good to know. Un-sprung wright and all that I that I suppose.
I’m guessing they use aircraft tires, but that would be only an assumption. I was surprised to learn they were not solid rubber given the stresses and speed encountered.
Assuming of course Elon doesn’t do something to torpedo things.
The grill is truly ugly!
Your ribonucleic acid is by far superior, your nucleotide is unmatched. May we acclaim your superior genome... especially those pesky Chinese with their billions in population and 4,000 years of history. How dare they attempt exist without your approval.