This is a great addition, but why did it have to be added in the comments and not placed there by the original reporter. This very news story had to be fixed after production... ironic :-)
This is a great addition, but why did it have to be added in the comments and not placed there by the original reporter. This very news story had to be fixed after production... ironic :-)
Two points of interest.
-And finally on the flip side of the equation, wear and tear on our infrastructure has only increased, not just from age but also increased traffic.
Wow. Driving through Tennessee it appears they’ve named every bridge, overpass, and culvert in named, but I think the turning lanes are not yet taken...
Owned a used, fist gen G20 and it was a decent car for what it was. Handled great with reasonable power for his light it was. Seats were great. The biggest gripe was the lack of any cupholders. I’ve certainly owned worse cars. Second gen was crap.
Which provides 90% of the power for EVs and pretty much always has...
The Orange Savior told them coal was making a come back. Stupid is as stupid does.
Not for very long, coal is making a huge comeback.
It’s not physically possible to flush money down the toilet as fast as Tesla is spending it
...the company paid the hackers $100,000 to delete the data and keep the breach quiet.
1. Go
Wow! Who’s next, the President of the United States?
Neutral: Do you really care about how much of a U.S.-made car comes from the U.S.?
Typical American ideal.
Indeed, most cities in the US have very little in the way of functional public transportation. Didn’t know about the Portland, ME story.
Lanesplitting is eminently sensible EXCEPT for the fact that the average American is very poorly educated/skilled at driving, and lazy to boot.
Alternatively Musk can do what he’s done for most of his companies in the past, used one of his other companies to help keep it afloat. So he could possibly IPO SpaceX and then borrow against his own holdings to keep Tesla alive, etc. SpaceX alone is currently valued at over $20 billion and in an IPO I’d expect it to…