
It's so strange to me that these guys who are obsessed with the idea of women taking their money also insist on marrying women with no jobs or skills who will be forced to be dependent on them and their money. If you're so worried about her picking your pocket, marry a woman who has money in her own pockets. Of course

I had a hard time looking at pictures of these guys before any of this shit. Now it's all I can do to scroll down to the text fast before the image loads. Fuuuuck.

And my theory still stands: Men who exclusively seek teenage or early twenty-something women aren't caving to some bullshit subconscious fertility science

Jesus. Panopticon. Christ.

I was thinking about this the other day. So many of the things we take for granted in romance are incredibly patriarchal. It just occurred to me how gross the idea of your father "giving you away" at your wedding is. I mean, sure, tradition etc, but the idea is literally rooted in GIVING AWAY PROPERTY TO ANOTHER MAN.

You're my kind of people.

I commented on one of those. Something to the effect of "Oh great, a new way to let your impressionable daughter know she's a piece of property! She "belongs" to her father until he decides to let someone pork her? Great way to let a young woman know her worth!"

Every kiss begins with Kay.

Yes. But did he go to Jared?

A Marxist revolutionary group that's virulently misogynistic? You don't say.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

see you, raise you:

Old Testament or Kirkland Signature edition?


Yes. Yes I do.

I care. ALOT.

I think it's the spelling variation. I'd be willing to bet if you combined them several years in the 80s belonged to Sara(h).

No Sarah? I find that surprising - I know A LOT of Sarahs around my age.

I hope someone hires her because of this