Is it wrong that I find myself wishing her cancer had won?
I’m honestly more terrified that he’s real and going to win.
White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.
I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.
It’s really amazing. It’s especially frustrating to consider the fact that This American Life gets constant criticism for the vocal fry that their female contributors exhibit, but IRA GLASS—who has like a textbook example of vocal fry—never gets criticized for it.
What a coincidence! It just so happens that there’s virtually always something objectionable about the voices of women who speak up in public. I’m sure it has nothing to do with internalized sexism. Just like how women are criticized for every vocal trait imaginable—saying “like” too much, upspeak, vocal fry—while men…
True story - Trump’s voice woke my baby from a dead sleep and made him cry. He has yet to have a similar reaction to ANY voice.
Get used to it. They’re going to complain about her voice, her tone, her not smiling enough, her face, her hair, her clothes for the next 8 years. But not because they’re sexist or anything.
That’s what I laugh about. Have these fuckers ever heard Donald Trump speak? Or listened to recordings of some of our previous presidents? JFK sounded like he swallowed the city of Boston and a silver spoon. And Lincoln allegedly had an awful speaking voice.
Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.
No, I think part of the reason he hates her so much is that she doesn’t give a shit about appearing to care about being attractive to men. He can’t sexualize her, therefore she has no value. And worse, it’s a woman who doesn’t care if he finds her attractive who will stand up to him.
I think she’s only doing that because she’s talking to shorter people. I don’t see her hunching in most photos. You did remind me to sit up straight, so good work there.
Feel her wrath? Okay.
The more I read about Kaine the more I realize this was a really good choice and the reason I’ve been opposed to it is because of optics - boring, white guy. And that’s not right on my part. Everyone who’s worked with him - progressives and Republicans - say he is a smart, good person who works hard and that’s kinda…
As an Oregonian I have to say ‘keep your damn hands off our Merkley’.