
Follow-up from yvanehtnioj’s response—additionally, the courts have ruled that, under Title IX, female students are entitled to equal education and services in a safe place. The fact that the university refused to investigate or acknowledge the other complaints makes them, at the very least, complicit. They had a

That has to be one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. We really need more statesmen like this today.

You deserve a million stars!

Maybe it’s because I was a girl scout and a baby sitter, but I always carry an “emergencies” bag in my purse, which has assorted first aid items, tampons, etc., and also medicine that might be needed in a pinch (tylenol, Benadryl, etc.)—of which my friends, family members, and coworkers frequently avail themselves—so

THIS. Thank you. My fellow millennials and I are living this scenario over and over and over again. It took me almost 10 years and four different full-time jobs (some of which I worked at for YEARS) to finally find an awesome employer. I can’t even count the number of times friends and I asked employers for

On this, Etsy never fails to disappoint:

You don't begrudge textbook companies for making money, do you?

I'm not sure I get that vibe, but art is so personal. To me it reads more about our culture's obsession with the "post-baby" body; or, alternately, women choosing C-sections over vaginal births to fit their schedules, etc. Mostly, though (for me), it's the "post-baby" crap we see in the tabloids all the time (which

Does it have to be live action, or can it be animated? If animated is okay, I'd strongly recommend Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke. They both take place in Japan and have strong heroines and also have great messages.

I LOVE THAT MAN. Just, so much.

Yeah, because no one would buy a magazine with normal-sized women on the cover. Like, oh...

Agree 1000% here!

Is anyone else seeing the potential for a fantastically weird sci-fi movie with this collection for costumes?

I think I'd rather go out naked, if only so I didn't kill myself accidentally - there's no way you can see where you're going in either of those!

I just realised how relieved I was that "at least" he didn't rape someone in his command (please don't understand, I condemn his actions, it's just a damning indictment of my view of the military right now). Could we just get a civilian oversight committee on this, finally? It's clear that they can't fix the problem

My parents wouldn't let me see Hocus Pocus for years because my mother had read a review somewhere that the witches eat a little girl in the first 15 minutes. Well, no, they don't. I just remember being really angry because it was a Disney movie and my complete 8-year-old faith that Disney wouldn't make a scary movie.

I have to admit that my first reaction to this obviously ridiculous stock image was "what woman looks that cheerful while getting a pelvic?" Whoever staged this photo clearly has never been to the GYN.

A thousand times THIS. It's the same with the Chinese and their "leftovers" women - over 25 and unmarried. It's all about getting some poor girl who is (preferably) inexperienced with the world and will thus be easy to mold. Gah!

Would I have to actually sleep with him? Is so, there ain't enough moneys in the whole Universe. If not, 20 mil minimum. 30 if I had to share nudey shots and fake details.