
It's things like this that make me want to hire a troupe of big, gay male actors to go around and give these jerks a dose of their own behavior. You know they'd absolutely freak out if some giant dude started catcalling and leering at THEM.

Uck uck uck uck uck uck! This happened to me in Europe - Italy mainly - many times, often by total strangers. It's weird, even if you're expecting it (I was warned many times in advance that as a young female I should expect LOTS of kisses and embraces). That said, if a man tried this to me now (in the US), I'd

As a Portland pedestrian, I can deeply sympathize and hope your son is okay. I have a rant about PNW bicyclists that can go on for, like... hours. I just want to carry a stick around to poke in their front wheel when they whip by TOO FAST THROUGH A RED LIGHT or DOWN THE HIGHWAY (not joking, I've seen them!). Ugh.

Wow, that's my family. Drunks on one side and fitness freaks on the other. Just choose your addiction!


I freely admit to never having read War & Peace or finishing Catcher in the Rye. I got to page 16, said aloud "god, this boy is such a whiny, self-centered, overindulged brat," threw the book back in my bag and refused to finish it. Luckily, my teacher respected my clear and abundant hatred for Holden Caufield and

Ditto. Sure, I sold a literal fricking ton of cookies during my tenure in Scouts, but I'm also the best navigator in my family, can start a fire with twigs and pine needles, and could easily survive in the wilderness with just a pocket knife. But, to be fair, A LOT of Girl Scouts I know from other troups did NOT get

Anyone listened to

Here you go!

My thoughts exactly.

Yep, plus implants (I have one and love it!) and the patch and a number of other contraceptive methods that have a higher success rate than the Pill. Moreover, with Obamacare, girls are entitled to comprehensive preventative care under their parents' insurance. I LOVE THAT.

I had not only the sweater, but the matching skirt - with one of those "fancy" turtlenecks to wear with it (remember those?) - in the scratchiest wool I've ever felt. Ever. It was like a Brillo pad.

My WASP relatives in MD and CA all wore this crap - especially those pants - and I have the (horrific) family photos to prove it. Even better? As the youngest girl, I got to wear the hand-me-downs for years later. There's a reason I cast off all pastels at 12 and refused to even touch pink for years. It drove my


Only if it comes complete with Brendan Fraser.

Well, DUH.

{{shudder}}. Gawd, I remember growing up around people like this in the Bible Belt. My family is NOT Christian and very liberal, but we looked like the perfect conservative family - stay-at-home mom, professional dad, etc. - so we ended up being friendly with a lot of these lunatics because my parents were waaay too

What the FUCK?! I really, really hope you broke their noses or something. Ugh!