I got my MCAT scores back this week, and I got a 34! I'm actually going to be a doctor! Ahhhhh!!!!!
I got my MCAT scores back this week, and I got a 34! I'm actually going to be a doctor! Ahhhhh!!!!!
Remember how sweet and affectionate George and Laura were together?
Poussey is my favorite! I love her character aaaaand I have a major crush on her. Buzzfeed did a nice little piece on her.
A. Sorry about your job bullshit, hope it gets better.
Even from behind, they are just lovely. The most glamorous presidential couple EVER. (Yep, more than the Kennedys even.)
I'm generally fine with botanical messages from the afterlife.
I want to marry that dress so it can have all of my babbys.
Obama(s) I don't agree with everything you do, but D'AAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
My across-the-hall Hindu neighbors have two lovely daughters; a few months ago the father stopped by to ask my husband and I to keep an eye out for paperwork from ICE, not sure if it was just to renew his visa status or for permanent residency (they've been here at least 5 years; I've watched the girls grow up). Given…
I did too, until I read the article. The aborted girls are counted into the number that would make the women:men ratio more natural. Accounting just for the killed and neglected women doesn't bring the count up high enough. I support abortion rights, but do believe selective gender based abortions are harmful to…
Oh, you want co-ed sleepovers?
Also makes the song, "My Milkshakes bring all the boys to the Yard" a far more campy favorite.
My milke-shakes bringeth all the younge men to the yard.
I just read the bit about 'the yard' to my husband. He said, 'That's a bit optimistic, isn't it?'
Calling my penis "The Yard" opens up all new kinds of rhyming possibilities.
Wow. That's the fastest fix for the 2 body problem I've ever heard. Shit, that's what they should be telling us in professional development class. "Here's a list of the single professors in the department. GOOD LUCK AND LET THE 75th ANNUAL TENURE GAMES BEGIN"
As someone who used to work in sales, that salesgirl is an idiot. Not for failing to recognize Oprah, but for totally missing a good sales pitch. If a customer wants to look at something you think they can't afford- show it to them! Tell them about how great the item is, then mention the price. If they say it's too…
Can I ask a (somewhat snarky) question to smokers? A lot of smokers I know would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER throw a piece of trash on the ground. They would hate the people who do it, they would pick it up, they would talk shit.
I really wish people would stop seeing date rape as a mistake that the person would have never done if he wear sober, also to stop seeing acquaintance rape as just "sexual misconduct" committed by "nice guys". If they were nice guys then the would not have raped her instead of now claiming the girl is a slut that was…