On dogs: "If you get a dog from a breeder instead of a shelter you are a monster, because those dogs deserve to be saved!"
It's crazy. It's like OTHER STUFF BESIDES KIDS.
I have no kids, so I guess it's weird that I find stuff to post pictures of on FB ALL THE TIME>
I think what we really need is a cultural shift that values the fact that you can have children in your life without having one of your own. We need to embrace that whole "it takes a village" mentality to highlight the importance of aunts and uncles, neighbors, troop leaders, etc. As someone who doesn't intend on…
Just once I want to see a pharmacist refuse to fill a viagra prescription for some evangelical on the grounds that it is immoral to help assholes breed.
That's actually insulting to cesspools.
A small potential obstacle between same-sex couples and a lifetime of marital bliss in the California sunshine ended…
Yes, and if you "lead him on" then you're also terrible. But don't sleep with him too quickly, because then you're a slut, and if you want too long then you're a frigid bitch.
I'm betting on his being spray-painted orange, Boehner style.
Not only could he not get a job but apparently his dad couldn't even get him a job. Now, the family's in the position that kid has a 7 figure trust but no one can secure him employment? I didn't know anyone could be THAT bad...
Is it wrong that I can tell this asshat is white just by the vernacular? Keep reaching for those "slampieces", you dreamer!
I'd apologize for my gender, but I can't stop laughing xD
Women are socialized very early on to go out of our way and sacrifice our own comfort be nice, polite, and accommodating in all situations.
"It's one thing to give someone a reason who politely asks why you weren't into them, and quite another to find yourself filling out the Kinsey questionnaire on dating preferences."
Don't worry, the GOP will take away something from minorities or women to balance this out. We can't have things be too good.
Sadly my biggest surprise after reading this article is that Versace isn't charging more for these.
I would wear these in a heartbeat. I'm not comfortable being completely naked around the apartment, and I feel lazy if I'm just wearing boxers. This might be the solution.
I'm totally fucking buying this, so I can have one on hand the next time my husband hints that he wants me in a full corset and garters setup.
Now I know what my future husband is going to wear to our wedding.