
My reaction to "sexy baby" voice.

Agreed. I'm upper-income, don't have any children, know my rights, have had an abortion before, and so on. It would still be fairly difficult for me to obtain one where I am now.

Wasn't #6 on that list intended to be a commentary on Doing This Shit?

I can offer some perspective here. When I was pregnant, I lived in a small, smaaall town and had no health insurance. I had tried to go to my local health department for prenatal care, but they did not offer it and referred me to the closest health department that did, which we will refer to as The Hell Clinic for

Marge: "Homer, women aren't going to like being shot in the face..."

Naturally, I thought of this.

Just want to plug a great organization here: this is why I donate monthly to National Network of Abortion Funds. It is the least I can do to help women in need of this vital service.

Just a gentle reminder ... According to the stats Katie has listed, 67% of women are traveling 25 miles, but 33% are traveling farther.

That's a third of women who are traveling farther than the daily work commute that is being tossed around so casually. These are women with circumstances we don't know about, who may

That's the thing that pisses me off about these "late term" bans. Nobody is sitting in their second or third trimester, deciding on a whim that they don't want to be pregnant anymore. If the pregnancy is unwanted, there is NO reason for the mother to wait that long. An abortion at 20+ weeks is fucking so much more

I had a dear friend that found out at 21 weeks that her baby had several conditions that were incompatible with life, plus she was super low on amniotic fluid. (I never got more info on that, she couldn't deal with that on top of everything else. ) She chose not to abort. Because the U/S tech told her that there was

Corporate types whip the middle and working class religious people into an anti-abortion frenzy so they won't notice that their economic power has been eroding like Louisiana's coastline for over 3 decades now.

This should get at least an honorable mention.

"I'm not sure why I find this "Icicles No. 33 Glass Clitoral Vibrator with Rabbit Ears" so creepy."

DIY tops most of these.

But.. but... wwwhhhhhYYYYY?


From the way they're positioned, it looks like the two tentacles are about to high-five. I am unsettled.