
As a parent, I am so tired of worrying about whether I am “overindulgent”.

I recently heard the tale of a university student who had an appointment with an university lecturer. Who came to the appointment? The parents of the adult university student. And just to be clear, it wasn't the parents who accompanied the student, it was just the parents. Apparently the student was too "busy".

Parenting Advice by Me:

Man, I could go on and on about the ways in which the world just is not compatible with me, the lowly night owl ;) I feel like it's constantly associated with laziness and being a perpetual teenager. I go to work, I get my shit done, it's fine. I'd just rather sleep 4AM-11AM than 11PM to 7AM. Everyone said I'd change

I think morning people are the big entitled assholes — they are so goddamn self-righteous and proud of their morning asses. They'll schedule shit for the ass-crack of dawn and act all superior when you show up shaking and looking like you just got whacked upside the head with a two-by-four. They brag about coming in

THIS, so much this. The whole waking up at 7:00am and having to go to work makes me itch. Why can't the world start a little later?

I like being a night person. It is truly my natural state. If I had the choice to go to sleep at 4AM everyday, I would.

I'm okay with this.

That's not negative personality traits, that's revenge for being forced to get up and face the day way too early.

Found him.

I was reading this and a lady walked by my desk asking "What size is big, anyway?" and I lost it.

It's weirdly cute.

I kinda want to name it Squashy.

This is the best thing I've read all day. You're weird and I like you.

Why, exactly, should men be in charge of everything when they are so delicate they cannot even be told the truth about anything?

Is it weird that I enjoy looking at them when they are in this state? They are like a small, ugly/cute mammal: like a mouse or a hedgehog. Something to pet. Then- they grow! Run! Or, you know, have sex with it.

If you make regulations you will literally destroy America by crushing our economy. And god forbid we fire anyone.

I have to have a gif parade about this.

Also not surprising, the fact that these giants of industry get their fee-fees hurt when someone suggests tougher regulation.

And we're surprised when we deregulate these people that they behave like a bunch of total morons?