you know whats up! Im thinking running around burning down pregnancy crisis centers, egging protesters, taking their signs, breaking them over my knee lol if they want to label feminism "militant" maybe we should show them how militant we can get ;)
you know whats up! Im thinking running around burning down pregnancy crisis centers, egging protesters, taking their signs, breaking them over my knee lol if they want to label feminism "militant" maybe we should show them how militant we can get ;)
To conjure a specter of unfeminine humorless flat-chested crones wielding machetes and coming for their dicks. I'm guessing.
They use those terms on purpose. How else are they going rile up the mindless sheep? They froth at the mouth like pavlov's dogs when they hear the words Militant Feminist.
I always imagined this was Rick Santorum's reaction to finding out that women could vote.
"Wow. I guess I didn't realize I was a militant feminist for not wanting to be forced to or assumed to want to have children. Does this mean I get a hot pink bazooka?"
Pillard is going to personally see to it that everyone's gundicks are taken away and the world is henceforth ruled by a softball team of shrieking lesbians with buzz cuts and leg hair.
Great. Now they're probably all going to start menstruating together. What if that happens on TV? What if my kid sees that? It's going to attract bears.
Ditto on the douchey aftertaste. I remember when his stuff first started getting huge and the Internet at large was swooning over his raw sexiness, but watching that video, I kind of shrugged at his helium-voiced Trying Too Hard dance extravaganza.
Also, any dude that calls me 'the hottest bitch in this place' is…
Women like men's butts just like we like to look at any other of their muscle groups; the sight of a nicely muscled butt (which is usually accompanied by a nicely muscled rest of the body) speaks to our animal hindbrain and makes it say, "Attractive! Healthy! Yummy! Mating candidate!" Personally, I have not Googled…
At Freshpair, an online store, buttocks-enhancing underwear accounts for more than 6 percent of men’s underwear sales, up from less than 1 percent five years ago, according to Matthew Butlein, the president of the company.
Do you want it on your conscience if a kid catches the Gay from this? DO YOU?
A bit off topic, but I think Mod Carousel sounds better than Robin Thicke. I would much rather hear their version on the radio than his. Anyone else with me?
HIS EYEBROW MANEUVERS. They crack me up!
I just want to flail and yell and throw myself on the ground in a tantrum.
I'm so much closer than you - I currently have $70 in my wallet. So I only need $4.930. Sucker.
Your cardiologist is an idiot.