Isn't it awesome how Tea Partiers and the Taliban both fear the New World Order? They should probably team up.
Isn't it awesome how Tea Partiers and the Taliban both fear the New World Order? They should probably team up.
It's supposed to be a swan.
Fake origamis are killing America. Dude. That receipt from Taco Bell you folded up into an uneven triangle is not origami. Come ON.
If I were a Special Ops soldier/marine/etc, I'd be really offended by how low my superiors' opinions are of my fortitude.
Having reflexively flinched at the prospect of Matt Lauer interviewing Trayvon Martin's parents, I'm not entirely surprised at the insensitivity and invasiveness of some of his questions. All I can add is: Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton have a grace and composure about them that is humbling at the same time as it's…
I am amazed at the level of composure Ms. Fulton showed not just in this interview but on the stand as well. How she does not just scream, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" all the time is a serious feat. Because seriously, Matt Lauer, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! What a question to ask!
However, I pictured BeeTee a little more decrepit than Jeffrey Wright, but those glasses and facial hair are on…
Get that slut of yours some rubber.
It's telling how they define the word "slut." Having sex isn't actually necessary; all that's required is being female, existing, and having opinions they don't agree with.
Hey man, they've got class!
Bible class.
Oh god, the way that dude says "that slut of yours" makes my fucking skin crawl for SO many reasons. That dude needs to take a first-class ride into the sun.
Stay classy, religious right.
Well, I'll just sit back and wait for the inevitable - this dude will be caught with his penis through a gloryhole in a truckstop bathroom somewhere within the next 6 months.
Virginia Is For Heterosexual Lovers In An Exclusive Relationship Sanctioned By God And Only Missionary-Style
Wow, the GOP is admitting they know there's such a thing as oral sex performed on a woman?!