Looking good, feeling better (I bet)!
Looking good, feeling better (I bet)!
What shocks me is how unsafe people feel with the truly low crime rate this country has had for the last decade. To put it in perspective, there were around 16,500 homicides last year out of 316,668,657 people. That gives me an almost 1 in 20,000 chance of being murder. You know, I can live with those odds without…
This is a really good ad for getting pregnant.
I think what is so lovely about this video (besides the obvious), is how much JOY these parents seem to take in their child. I am probably going to to remain child free, but this was maybe the first video I've ever watched, ever, that makes me think having a kid wouldn't be a horrible, horrible thing.
I am 15 weeks pregnant with my first, and I am now in TEARS. Thanks, Cornwell. Thanks a lot.
David Brooks is to Paragon of Masculinity
Newt Gingrich is to Relationship Counselor.
DING! A winner is you!
I don't have to hand it out, they line up and bring their own flatware. My #pie brings all the boys to the yard. #notevenacontest
Ok, now I'm thinking I need to bring cake to my classes in the fall. I'm taken, I just have a hard time making friends.
Women who can make a decent pie don't need to prowl 50 bars with baked goods in hopes of finding love. #Pie4Life #ohSNAP
I love the screencap they chose on this- that cute little boy with his gorgeous curls, having a look like "WTF Grownups? Get over it already. There's nothing wrong with interracial couples, man!"
"Why would anyone waste their time on that. You could just like... watch another awesome youtube video." - this kid has accurately summed up my philosophy on life
"That's it? That's just a Cheerios commercial."
"Those mean people out there, they don't deserve (beat) anything"
I love the "Kids React" series and this is why. Sometimes they just get goofy responses to goofy YouTube videos, but sometimes they tackle bigger issues, and these kids drop TRUTH BOMBS all over the place. Kids are often a lot smarter than we give them credit for.
"But some people just fall in love like that."