ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH to eat this delicate cream-filled cake?
ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH to eat this delicate cream-filled cake?
COOL STORY TIME: I dressed up as a Lisa Frank creation for a 90s themed party. Multicolored neon animal print shorts/tanktop combo (literally the same pattern as the background of this Tumblr), neon yellow cardigan, neon blue flats, plastic rainbow jewelry, golden retriever spiral notebook... Guys, I was the life of…
This was one of the more powerful facebook responses to the verdict. I wholeheartedly agree.…
It's obviously an homage to unicorn-riding extraterrestrials that were quite prevalent during the Late Pleistocene.
I am so fucking high. I was, like....trying to draw my friend. But then I looked at my friend and I saw a reindeer elk bird thing. With an udder. And I was like "What are you going to do with your udder if you have all those antlers." And my friend goes "We all have udders. And antlers." And I was like—- yeah. Yeah.
You never know.
That is a dinglehopper.
Reaaaaallllllllly? You might want to revisit the highlights of 20th century Germany, you European historian, you.
I'm done with the world this week. Just done.
Somebody stole their eyebrows. Even princes are not exempt from the eyebrow theft epidemic. So tragic.
The naive thing is him adjusting too much, if that makes sense. In person he's the least naive, MOST shrewd and sharp person you'll come across but he's got this floppy likable personae to maintain and that's why he comes off... off.
I'll explain it but you might not like it: He's just as big a fame whore as she is, he just manages to hide it behind his boyish, british charm. Sorry, but they're two peas in a narcissistic pod.
Ya know, humanity, I get pretty down on you sometimes. After the travesty of the Zimmerman trial, and Texas passing that God-forsaken abortion limits bill, and just so much fucking crap, all the time.
I was dog sitting last night and my cat refused to come out of the bedroom which had a gate so the dogs couldn't get in. I had to wrap her in a blanket, cover her completely and sneak her across the house to her litter box and then take her back. sometimes these things have to happen.
It upsets me that people say they're being cruel to the kitten by putting her in the outfits. They put her in them to feed her so she doesn't struggle and hurt herself by pulling out the catheter and she needs to eat. She's not on a hunger strike at Gitmo, she's an injured little kitten that needs to be fed. Many…
We need this today.