It was pretty much guaranteed from the beginning, because Trayvon committed the worst crime one can commit in America:
It was pretty much guaranteed from the beginning, because Trayvon committed the worst crime one can commit in America:
I think it is kind of silly to think that six white women represent how all or most white women think. Or even to assume to know why they reached that verdict.
I'm white and female and I do not agree with the verdict.
For me, this was going to come down to whether white women saw themselves as white first or women first. I've gotten my answer.
How are you quoting me from 1993?
Bah. You hipsters are no where near as radical as the 1970s....the problem is that the 1970s died when all our parents decided blacks were tah scurry and ran for the suburbs after college and long-hair for men died. Now they're the racist silent majority who refuses to invest in its They had it so hard…
Everything's bigger in Texas, including constitutional violations.
I thought the funny thing about the witch in Brave was that her solution to everything is BEARS. Want to be the strongest warrior? Be a bear. Having trouble with your mother? Turn her into a BEAR. Want to travel the world and see new things? Try BEAR.
Assuming the Royal Baby breaches the Duchess of Cambridge’s earthly vessel sometime in the next 36 hours, this…
May their balls drop off in the night, roll down the bed & catch fire.
Unfair comparison, those are ALPACAS. Yeah, the llama is cute, but nothing compares to the mighty cuteness that is the Alpaca.
and my other daughter will be named after my favourite cake, Hazelnut Dacquoise
I'm cool with reinventing the wheel and all, but this points to a larger issue in the American superhero industry: staying stuck in place, story-wise.
I object to "ruined" bit. If they develop apps that will help me learn how to do these damn knitting patterns in a fun way then that's a win. That is SO much better than beating up prostitutes. Kidding/not kidding.
If the court is watching, why do they even allow things like this to pass? Why cant judges get in court tomorrow and issue some sort of judicial injunction and stop the shit bc they have been watching the train wreck happen?