

Whoa there... you have to finish the massage and a little foreplay before the mouth to ass play comes in.

"I'm a perfectionist,a neatfreak and a foodie"

Thank god there's a caption informing me what's going on, because otherwise I would assume the Boy Scout on top was giving the Boy Scout on the bottom a homoerotic back massage that would later travel a little bit south of the back.

A boy's sexuality is a private matter between him and his Catholic priest.

I fought a war so these kids could fuck like rabbits. And how do they thank me? With chastity. Fucking chastity. And they're not even fucking Chastity!

Personally, I find it offensive that so many young people now go out of their way to stay "sexually pure." It feels like they're totally ignoring all the sacrifices I made back in the day to not be sexually pure. It's a disgrace.

So its like the Boy Scouts except instead of camping and learning how to tie knots, they sit around and talk about all the sex they are not having? This club sounds like a lot of fun for boys, right next to going bra shopping with their moms.

I can say with 100% certainty that the only kids who join this will be closeted conservative boys looking for a hookup.

Whenever my husband responds to teachers' notes, he signs his clearly male name at the end, and usually gets a "Thanks for the reply, Mom" back from the teacher. Then he replies again with "I'm actually the dad" and gets a second "Thanks, Mom".

See, that isn't what I saw. I saw people celebrating the bodies that helped make them famous. Not because of the looks of their bodies, but because of the training, development, and work of the bodies.

Made me think of

They're athletic ideals. These people are all in excellent physical condition. They aren't models. They're exploring the limits of human conditioning. This isn't erotic photography. It is showing the human body at its peak efficiency. It is an embrace of health.

It really speaks to the growing class divide in this country that so many of us (me included!) can't even imagine how people can afford to have children. And I'm not talking children + expensive summer camps + 5+ bedroom mansion + designer diaper bags. I am a really minimalist, low-maintenance person. Like, I'm an old

Actual size. Located in Manhattan. $2.3 million. Co-op board approval required.