
It's almost as bad if you have Cheerful Resting Face.

"Plastic surgeons are capitalizing on it and women are getting corrective surgeries so they can appear more "cheerful" looking at all times."

He probably is mocking mutual consent. Nothing about that in the Bible.

Well, polygamy and bigamy IS in the bible, so Jesus would probably approve

Is BRF genetic? Will my children have BRF? If so, will my insurance cover juvenile plastic surgery?

"then we should immediately release those incarcerated for practicing polygamy or bigamy,” Huckabee said. “And, frankly, let’s make all consensual adult behaviors legal, whether prostitution, assisted suicide, or even drinking 16 ounce sodas in New York City.”

American politicians could do to be more like the Golden Girls, considering how ahead of their time they were on things like gay issues and contraception.

Attention world: If I'm making "bitchface", I assure you, it's not because I'm resting it.

hahah when I was waiting tables, my trick for overcoming BRF was to just smile every time I was annoyed. Which meant I was smiling all the time. Patrons would regularly stop me and say "It's so refreshing to see someone smiling all the time!" , but a smaller segment would say, "It's so creepy to see someone smiling

I come from a long line of BRF women. My grandmother, my mother and myself. One day I hope to be able to say to all those whose life goal seems to be to not mind their own business and tell me to SMILE all the time, a little something-something my grandmother would reply when smile-accosted: "If you don't like the

Uh...what. I mean I get that some small portion of women may have a particularly unhappy countenance but I also don't think smiling is the norm. In fact, if I were walking down to the coffee shop and every face I passed was smiling, it would probably feel like some weird Stepford-y horror movie where everyone is

In addition to being afflicted with BRF, I also suffer from Unintentionally Sarcastic Voice. It is a legit problem when I try to praise my students.

I'd need to hear their position on ending poverty.

...Mitch McConnell, who said the 2016 Democratic field was like “a rerun of ‘The Golden Girls.'"

This is so fucking stupid ("Hillary is old") that even my pubescent SONS said, "They wouldn't say that if she were a man."


Also older than Hillary Clinton? MITT ROMNEY.

pretty soon it's going to stand for "obsolete"

Anyone remember what the "O" in GOP stands for?

For some reason, I can't remember . . .

I believe in my right to Choos. Jimmy Choos.