"I don't need to give my woman oral sex! I just neg her!"
Guys that are into performing oral sex are smarter, better and sexier than those who don't. End of story.
lol, okay, evolutionary psych. Tell that to this guy who wasn't at all into having babies with me but liked to do it because he said my vagina was awesome. (Best compliment I've got!)
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My personal favourite is just to do a play-by-play commentary of the techniques a would-be PUA is using.
"Your face could be cute, but that book is hiding too much of it".
"COOL NEG! HIGH FIVE! Got another?"
"Oh, there's a thread on your sleeve, let me get that."
I might try some of these moves on my husband tonight. I might be 5'1" to his 6'4" but I'm gonna put him in my lap and then put his hand right on my vagina. RIGHT. ON. MY. VAGINA.
Let she who has never slept with an adult man in a fur top hat cast the first stone, I always say.
If any of these things start happening to you, grab the man by the shirt, pull him an inch from your face and scream "YOU ARE GIVE ME BABY TONIGHT YES?" Then start to recite the "Twilight" script and stick your tongue up his nostril
100% guaranteed to fend off ANY man.
I'll get that bitch a short position on commodities futures. Bitches love short positions on commodities futures.
Anyone else thinking of Zoolander's Derelikt?