
~ and ~
cordially invite you to join them in their
Money Spinner
~ to be held on ~
because it is cheapest
~ at the ~
Best Western off the Airport Ramp

Please enclose a $50 bill, no checks, with your R.S.V.P. no later than
the Monday before the Money Spinner.

P.S. We will be paying

Am I the only one who loved that the bride walked down the aisle while chewing gum, apparently, "like a cow does hay?" I find that to be one of the most telling and hilarious aspects of this story. Classy!

Kickstarter: The Wedding

We'll know that we've reached true equality when gays and lesbians feel free to approach their wedding with the same vulgar sense of entitlement and ingratitude that straight people have.

Jesus had two dads and a mom and he turned out just fine.

I'm going to respond to Odone in the most mature way I know how. With a Futurama gif:

Never has this meme been more appropriate.

It's hard to realize that the water you're swimming in is poison if you're used to it.

And plenty of folks don't realize that the once-cool water has started boiling until it's already too hot.

Crime behind closed doors is still crime. Abuse in a relationship is still abuse. No one should have to endure it. No one.

I don't have all day, lady.

Let the countdown begin.

Eh, I'm sure Palin will say something to fuck this up by the end of the day!

As a related aside - it makes me SO ANGRY when people view Jez commenters' justified hurt feelings or anger as some sort of form of cute entertainment. I see it all the time - "Oh, I told my Jezzie cousin about this, and it was so funny - she got sooooo angry" "oh, [on vaguely women-related article] can't wait for

Can you write him back and tell him his mom should have swallowed him?

Um...don't misspell foreword on the cover of your stupid sex book.

Rule #1 when I leave the house to go a'sexin' is "Remove All Visible Feces".

Isn't the whole thing a little creepy. I can't imagine the smells that permeate the place. Stale Cheetos mixed with BO.

"Think of them as practice arenas" ??? I just...what...can't process...stupidity.

Oh, thank you. I'm fine, but it's just upsetting to be so jarringly reminded that this happens to women all the time and we're expected to let men physically harass and assault us because that's what passes for "seduction" or having a laugh or whatever. We just need a superhero like Avenging Uterus to swoop in and

Agreed. This is horrifying. Standard MRA shit says "feminists assume all men are rapists," but frankly when this is the kind of thing someone is advocating, I'm putting myself in a potentially dangerous situation if I don't assume all men are rapists. So, which is it?

I wrote Ken asking if his mom is just another set of holes, too.