
You get tinselitis.

I used to love the Flaming Lips...that was just rubbish though. I wish Wayne would get over his midlife crisis.

Like, on the one hand, I really like that Miley is embracing the genderqueer label and seems to truly embrace the queer culture and will hopefully allow other people struggling with fitting into gender labels feel more able to come out and speak openly about it.

Somehow that was worse than I thought it would be. The whole video was just her mouth, yet I imagine they spent more money on this than I did on my p.o.g. collection.

Now playing

Additionally like a successful Church they get caught with their pants down, lying, cheating and profiteering. So they deny everything and point out to the evidence that everything is OK since there are hundreds of thousands joining daily.

This is par for the course. Naming the agent of violence is often seen as cruel or mean, or to be “ignoring the victims.” Then, victimhood itself is made shameful—”stop being such a victim,” or “don’t treat them like victims, that ignores their agency.”

End result: rapists get to keep on raping, women end up with no

So he was lifted up in the air for a few seconds. Big deal. He’s not allowed to cry until after he does this:

let me be clear: i would vote for kanye west over basically anybody

Dan Aykroyd’s mistress?

I think this is the moment that he pretended to realize this.

That is very compassionate, thank you. I sort of ignored the whole fact that she is a victim when I blacked out and saw red at what she was saying.

Chrissy Hynde, I doubt you’re reading this, but...it wasn’t your fault.

My friend’s wife had this a few years ago. (Not a doctor, but another friend is, and when I asked him about it, he was like, “oh we learned that in med school, but it’s so rare, they said we’d likely never see it!”) She had to go on bedrest in the hospital at like 21 weeks, they were able to deliver the baby at 31

Yeah, you’re an idiot. Lot of sugar coating your broad blanketing victim blaming here though.

but the vast majority of them genuinely do want to help you.

Tell that to the rape victim in states where there are thousands of rape kits from years ago still waiting to be tested

As someone who has accompanied multiple friends through the rape kit and reporting process, I think you are delusional.

“I hope you’re not joking” “Is it really in there?” “Why did you make it?”. I appreciate this kid’s healthy cynicism and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

Between the Gawker article comments on Men Who Kill and this study, I think I’m done for the day.