
No. I didn’t miss that.

Heh, i had that happen to me this last July. It was the middle of a Lemons race, i’m not sure if that makes it better or worse, but I was at the top of a hill, so the wheel that came off traveled a good half mile before finally coming to a stop....Crossed the track twice on the way down the hill too, but thankfully

My ‘72 Ghia would do it too. 

I’m actually impressed the wheels didn’t immediately break completely off and continue on down the road during this code brown.

VW Beetles in the years ‘64 through ‘68 had a similar problem when the steering damper wore out. It was a cheap part and an easy fix, but when my car first exhibited these symptoms in highway traffic I had no idea what was going on and it scared me half to death.

White guy break laws without punishment” isn’t dangerous or noteworthy

That reminds of the guy who passed me on the North Central Expressway in Dallas. He was riding a motorcycle, doing about 65, and DOING A WHEELIE. It was the coolest and stupidest thing I’d ever seen. I too wanted to shake his hand, and then punch him in the mouth.

How’d he go 27 hours without playing Lacrosse? 

The latter then. Unrelated.. is this you?

I would expect Berkeley Chadwick to be driving no less than an AMG Merc. Bonus points to his parents being the titled party. 

No. They finished this run last month. Ed Bolian and his crew set the record that was broken six years ago. 


With a 2015 Mercedes? Couldn’t have waited 6 years, even if they got their 2015 in 2014 it doesn’t check out.

If only there were places for people to have fun driving their cars really fast that didn’t seriously endanger unwitting civilians on public roads. IF ONLY.

Can we as car enthusiasts please stop legitimizing this practice and the knobs who participate? 

Is this incredibly awesome or incredibly stupid?

It’s either or...
Right now it’s neither :(

Late stage socialism: wait in line all day for food

Better to use the Apple-philosophy of proprietary hardware which ultimately...screws the consumer

Basically, it’s going to take some brave corporations millions, if not billions, of dollars, to go ahead and start building quick-charging stations on the scale that we have gas stations now.