Viva Puerto Rico!
Viva Puerto Rico!
It had a beautiful engine, yet it was turned into a cyborg.
Most teams are named for ANIMALS or LOCAL REFERENCES like Cubs or Dodgers. So which is “Braves"? How is that horrible caricature of a Native American not offensive? You demean an entire class of people, unless one of them call you out?
Our Founding Fathers would not approve.
Chief Wahoo is really offensive.
Why does it matter? Fairness a problem?
Equally stupid. The subject is idiots at Atlanta baseball games.
His father isn't Cherokee.
He’s afraid to tell you that you are an offensive boob. This is a weak excuse for acting like a clown..
A toy that's virtually undrivable. There are plenty of power upgrades available. This one is balls.
If only the ability to bag groceries effectively hadn’t de-evolved already.
Such a “lifehack.”
Thanks for your tacit endorsement of this egregious lack of judgment.
The ball isn’t “juiced.” That’s a really poor use of language - It’s a steroid reference.
It’s not like he wasn’t benched for lack of performance...
Why does this matter?
I’m all for it. Watch him scramble and then get wiped out like he was lil’ RGIII.
What disease causes you to only remember the happy stuff and ignore everything negative? There isn’t a team in the league that wouldn’t try to hire a murder if they thought that murder could win an NFL game. Ray Lewis was an accessory to murder and is revered by idiots in Baltimore. I want CK to play so we can…
He’s already lost interest in it. It’s now a dog toy.
You can buy a REAL VW CABRIOLET for between $6000-8500 on Ebay. Why would you pay $10,000 to own a pretend one? With a diesel?