This model actually works well for the kind of game Hitman is.
This model actually works well for the kind of game Hitman is.
I’m going to side with you and counter some of the arguments below.
No idea who Keemstar is really, but I’m going to side with him. If you want the income and fame that comes with being a top top level Youtuber then you should also expect the same tabloid style reporting that any other form of celebrity is subject to.
Might as well just get this written up now:
“But I miss those feelings. I miss having crushes, and flirting, and getting to know someone, and the first stages of dating.”
SOMA is great. Played through it a few weeks ago and I am thinking about it on occasion. I should probably go through again...
Pretty sure we weren’t playing the same game. The story was great, as was the writing. It’s very far from “middle of the road”.
I take issue with what you just said. To many of us, the game was not middle-of-the-road, and I don’t believe the writing was exceptionally dull. It maybe needed more finesse, sure, but i think your statement is a little condescending and disingenuous.
It’s the popular hipster thing to say this episode sucked. Wooden acting? Anderson and Duchovny played the characters exactly the same way they’ve always played them. In many ways it felt like the show never left. Aside from the contemporary cell phones and nods to current politics, it felt EXACTLY like an episode of…
Yep, Jay-Z is definitely the latest addendum to Sickboy’s unifying theory:
It’s like I really want to play it, but then I remember it being a task to get anything done, and I really don’t want to at the same time. I’m torn, where New Vegas was endlessly fun to play, I don’t see Fallout 4 the same way.
Fallout 4 flopped for me because the game gives you no good reason to go exploring except for the sake of exploring. The story was soooooooooo bland.
This is literally the worst thing they could do. That’s exactly the White Messiah saves Colored Peoples trope that the last game got blasted for. Lets make Tom Cruise a legendary samurai hero while we’re at it.
Probably texting
I also have this question — especially when TTK is so damn good — but hey, not everyone has an extra $40 to spend. So I sympathize.
No they didn’t. My cryptarch packages in HoW and TDB all decrypted into new stuff.
He doesn’t know.
Hahaha! Best response ever.
i love you lol