
I will cede your point about rap. Rap lyrics pander to the lowest denominator-get money, fuck bitches, poppin bottles in the club. Hip-hop is a different art form than rap, and my guess is you are conflating rap and hip-hop.

I saw Annihilation over the weekend. Two couples walked out on it. I like Natalie Portman and Tessa Thompson, so I was rooting for it, but it was a bad film. The exposition scene was too obvious, where the women are paddling in canoes in a strange land, and it was backstory time for all as the paddles gently lapped

I know! I mean check out Rapsody’s lyrics!! And even worse, all her songs are like this! Introspective lyrics that comment on the lives of people caught up in the mess of hate and violence, which is sometimes seen when spewed online by ignorant people who know nothing of entire industries they pass judgement on.

When Rick Ross was in the news last week for being near death, I remembered this quote and didn’t feel a thing for him.

Has anyone read the Giles comic written by Erika Alexander (Maxine from Living Single, and co-writer of the comic Concrete Park)? I was hyped for it after learning of it from the long feature Jez did on Erika. I thought it was okay, but then I usually buy comics in volumes, not in single issues. Reading the single

The few times I’ve read gossip columns written by Cindy Adams, I feel like I’m reading texts from my mom.

Re: #2, you’re not the only one. I haven’t seen it yet, but two moms on my caseload said the ending made them cry and I sorta know what happens at the end because of how one phrased it. My husband has not seen the first Paddington and we’re waiting for him to finish that before we watch the second one. Ya know, so he

I had a sex dream last night and I woke up very wet. My husband was asleep so I woke him up for lovin’ and when I was riding him, I realized our cat was in the bed when I felt his tail thumping against my leg during reverse cowgirl. We’ve only had the cat for about a month so I didn’t know my husband’s stance on this.

First sentence was the doxxing sentence.

Think they’ll include her plaster corset painted with a hammer and sickle?

They can be reported to DCS for educational neglect, and possibly for medical neglect too, if an agency determines they have been inattentive to the mental health needs of a child. You have enough grounds to file a report, I’d say. If they’re high school age and can’t read, their homeschooling has probably not been

That maroon dress with all the tulle around her stomach, and her performance outfit with the peplum waist and yards of tulle around her hips...ain’t doing nothing to slow down the pregnancy rumors. I wish her well if she is pregnant :)

Same here. I like the fit after a wash too. I’ma try the tip below about no washing, just drying to reset the fit.

The Frida Barbie invisiblizes Frida’s disability, which is just one reason why Frida fans are disappointed in this doll. There are no accessories that would let kids know that Frida was disabled. No leg braces, no plaster cast to support her spine, no wheelchair, no polio scars, no orthopedic shoes, and the doll’s

You have so much class. My husband and I are struggling with infertility too, and I could not have written anything close to the last paragraph in your response. Like you, I’m fine with adopting. My husband very much wants to have biological children, and it’s nothing we can negotiate on. Infertility is the hardest

The fact that Mattel invisiblizes Frida’s disability makes the doll not Frida. If there are accessory leg braces, a prosthetic leg, a plaster corset painted with a hammer and sickle, a right leg much thinner and shorter than the left leg, and the orthopedic shoes to go with that, then yes, Mattel got it right.

A talking Emma Goldman doll that says “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution” and also “Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for the purpose of producing real social wealth” and her other hits.  Each purchase comes with a download code for Katy Perry’s song

I’m about a third of the way through the novel that Krysten Ritter wrote, and it’s pretty good. I recommend it. It’s called Bonfire. It has nothing to do with Jessica Jones, just so ya know. Protagonist is an environmental lawyer who returns to her very hated hometown to look into a plastics company headquartered

Ahh but this plays into my ‘shipping. He’s watched her afar from all these years and his feelings for her have deepened, making his relationships since Taraji fall short of the love he experienced only with...Taraji. He goes to her place with an iPod and a Bluetooth speaker with some beats on it. And also Peter

I can go back to shipping Common and Taraji Henson without feeling bad about it now. In his book, he says Taraji is the one that got away.