
It depends on the emotional maturity of the people in the mix. My now-husband and I broke up for about 7-8 months when we were dating, and in that time, we both started dating. A guy I was seeing them who I’ll call B also knew my ex (now husband who I’ll call A) and B would say he didn’t want to catch feelings for me

I feel your pain. I’m in Arizona.

You’re doing it right!

In her stand up comedy days, she said she’s culturally more Latina than anything else, due to the influences of one of the foster homes she was raised in. The exuberance is probably part of her personality, and I don’t think that it’s performative. After her childhood in the foster care system, far be it from me to be

How did he get a legit invite to the Governor’s Ball?

This is the first time I wished I was reading fake news. Woulda been nice to know this guy was in Club Fed.

I’m going to start reading Ritter’s novel this weekend and I am legit looking forward to that more than I am my Friday night plans with friends. Idk what that makes me, but I’m cool with it.

In my state, a lot of Mormon women are teachers, and many Mormons are white supremacists almost as a matter of faith. They also run their side businesses during instructional time, which is a whole ‘nother matter.

Right. I was wondering if this is a HIPAA violation too, precisely because he or she added so much detail that the patient knew it was her. The fact that the patient came forward as “hey that was me” isn’t the point. The point is that the orthodontist is gossiping about patients in a very public, very shareable

The title of that book is making all my nerdy neurons fire. Book lust has been triggered.

And Michelle once wore a sleeveless dress in an official WH portrait. Scandalous!

How’d it happen? Blame it on nem.

Was that Dwight from The Office? I mean Rain something?

Bon Arden Lane-a street I used to live on, is pronounced “boner den lane” by GPS, which was funny when I was dating and I gave one guy directions to my place.

Those poor people, they got Stiltoned. They’re probably feeling blue. The festival organizers should be a-fetta them in queso they get angry.

That’s what they do.

I appreciate the timing of this article. My 4th grade son is just beginning a unit on the American Revolution, and I have told him that as Indigenous people, we’re not gonna have our stories told in his school system, so he needs to hear it at home that America’s story begins with land theft, and that it gets more

Well now we know this one’s weakness. Colonizer colonizer colonizer nanny nanny boo boo!

A phone for humans? I need some money for this. What to do, what to do? Hey, I know!