Can you expand on that last sentence? I’ve turned it over a few times and I’m not catching what you might mean. I want to understand you, but if you’re not up to the emotional labor of explaining, I feel that too.
Can you expand on that last sentence? I’ve turned it over a few times and I’m not catching what you might mean. I want to understand you, but if you’re not up to the emotional labor of explaining, I feel that too.
And we’re supposed to be the snowflakes? I mean, George Washington had dead slaves’ teeth in his mouth, and this guy’s response is an ad hominem attack on the writer, a fallacy of extension attack on Kinja as a whole, closing with a vehement fist shake at the writer. Racial slur, psshhhh!
Fuck all men who tell women to calm down. He’s directing that at an elderly woman who raised his son he tried to kill. As Solange sang, be mad, be mad, be mad.
Yeah that threw me too.
Arizona is back at it, doing Arizona things. A Chandler, AZ school board refused to take action against junior high students who posted a Snapchat video with racist comments against black people. The school board justified their inaction saying that the students didn’t mean for the video to go online, and that it…
LOL! And also ewww.
That was my takeaway too. The top looks like she’s about to churn butter and the pants look like an ad for Depends.
Melania’s job.
That has me feeling all kinds of ways. I’m multiracial but not part Black, so a part of me feels sad that she othered her own self, another part of me thinks she was right to step aside and let the dark-skinned women have their due, and another part of me thinks since I am not black, I need to have a seat and be quiet.
I have two books to recommend, both written about one of the tribes I am from, the Tohono O’odham Nation. One is “At the Border of Empires: the Tohono O’odham, Gender, and Assimilation.” We’re a patrilineal society, and most Indigenous cultures in North America are matrilineal, so when colonization came to us, some of…
Co-sign! All the races I am are co-signing this, my white side too.
Yesssss. I even watched some Netflix movie about Bigfoot with him in it when I was thirsty for Michael Shannon, and was happy when it turned out to be pretty okay. He played against type as a sad sack owner of a small town general store. Pottersville- I recommend it. What’s his face Lennon from Kids in the Hall/Reno…
At my high school, we could go off campus for lunch. One day at KFC, I was choking on my chicken and you know the rest.
Historic crowds <—- therefore a good guy, if you’re Trump
Oooh that sounds perfect for my rainy Friday night. Thanks!
You’re right and I was lazy with my wording. Cultural imperialism plays out along Indigenous people in the way that many European societies (but really I’m talking about Germans) are drawn to primitive aspects of our cultures, while being much less interested in contemporary Indigenous peoples. They have the freedom…
I’m a home visitor and last week one of my families asked me what I gave up for Lent. Now to be on my home visiting caseload, it means your family has been through some shit. I’ve known this family for years, so instead of artfully dodging the question, I was real with them and I said “Nothing. I’m not a churchgoer”…
We do. We need a docuseries on hip-hop’s first few decades, when there was so much joy in it. Make it a docuseries about the four elements of hip-hop, with Jeff Chang, Nelson George and David Cook consulting. I like what Q-tip and probably others before him have said about Black culture being one of America’s most…
Thanks so much for posting this. I count myself as one of the non-White women who feels alienated by much of the content on Jezebel. Today’s a day I’m glad I dipped my toe back in here. Roxanne Shanté is an important part of American music history and I will watch the hell out of this. Hip-hop has strayed so far from…
I almost can’t listen to Cobra Style when I’m driving because I turn into a beast. My son knows this about me.