
At the end of the article, I had read nothing about what Marsha Johnson and Sylvia Rivera did that makes them civil rights pioneers or activists. In the comments, I learned that Marsha was a key figure in the Stonewall riots, and I still don’t know what Sylvia Rivera did. They created a collective in 1970 which is

Re: the first Paddington movie, when Nicole Kidman was on screen, my son covered her face with his hand and said “her face hurts”, which I assumed was a toddler’s take on her Botox.

Now playing

Hush was great! Idk if it’s still on Netflix. A deaf woman being stalked by a killer outside her home in the woods.

Melissa Joan Hart directed a remake of “Watcher in the Woods”, Anjelica Huston is in it, and I don’t have cable and will maybe never see it, which is my cross to bear. It’s on Lifetime. 

I cried just typing it. I already knew I can’t tell it without some tears, but now I know I also can’t type it without tears.

Makes sense why Trump doesn’t like her.

Starred for Black Santa.

Well, she is a white heel so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Welp, I know I did. After the scorned guy heard I got married, he messaged my husband on Facebook to inform my husband that I had *gasp* had sex with Scorned during the time that my eventual husband and I were broken up. He still spreads rumors about me in our city, all related to sex, of course. No one I care about

This is a sweet, not scary ghost story, and it’s not exactly a ghost story either, but I love telling it. When I tell it in person, I get choked up.
In my dad’s culture, after a person dies, we don’t say their name again, and we don’t pass down names. If we have to say the name of a dead person, we add on an honorific

I stopped dating a guy over his too frequent use of “Calm down”, and I really liked him, still wonder what he’s up to now. I told him to remove “Calm down” from his vocabulary, he didn’t and I ghosted him. We had great, feisty, intelligent conversations and the sex was hot, but I could not deal with that phrase.

This isn’t the hill I want to die on, but still and all, I didn’t get a sexy vibe from Baby Girl. I liked her cool, the dark shades, the tomboy clothes and the hip-hop dance breaks. And if I can listen to a song in front of my parents or son, it’s not music to fuck to. Rock the Boat is a summertime barbecue jam. The

“Calm down” is another phrase men use to tell women that their emotions or countering viewpoints are well actually, wrong. “Calm down” is not a phrase that men regularly say to other men.

The Asian market closest to me recently shut down and I have looked for Kewpie mayo at two other ones since then and haven’t found it. Send help!

It makes her look a little diseased here, like she has some disorder where her face eats her eyes.

One of my friends is gonna be Guy Fieri for Halloween and I cannot wait for it! She’s the type who sticks to combat boots, and wears mostly black.

Yesterday, the article about the Iggy podcast where you mentioned female MCs. I posted YouTube videos of some of my favorite female MCs.

This is the second time you and I have posted about similar music tastes. I can see the Aaliyah vibe, but drenched in sex. The artist who gives me the most Aaliyah-esque feel is Syd, but also drenched in sex, lol.

Bleah I just did a road trip with a bunch of dudes (my husband’s band) and I was playing fka Twigs, (which they all loved) and I was then on a happy kick about them as a couple for awhile after that.

Samantha knows what meat goes in tacos.