
If anyone else here is an old, and you remember Adam Sandler’s Cajun Man, that’s a little bit of the stank that MegYn Kelly puts on saying “action”, and it has dampened my plans to masturbate after my husband leaves for work. Thanks for killing my ladyboner, MegYn.

I want a Rose McGowan podcast stat! Her Twitter feed is full of enlightened takes on society’s flaws, and she has warmth and decency at her core. Her defense of Lindsay Lohan, shortly after LiLo defended Weinstein, was frankly a lot bigger than anything I could do for a woman publicly supporting him.

Between a serial rapist bellyaching about not doing great and Guy Fieri’s bloated pink face being in my Dirt Bag, along with a race car driver’s mayonnaise and banana sandwich, I’m going Falling Down today.

That, or being validated for years of blind item tweets about abuse.

Stars! They’re just like us!

I tend to have a lil drool problem when I eat honeycrisps. They are so fucking juicy and crisp that my mouth comes and I have to hide my love away and eat them in private.

Yawn. Make them square-shaped for space efficiency and then I might care. *goes back to filing nails*

Now playing

Let’s share! Name some of yours, so I can be up on them too.

Granny Smith paired with sharp cheddar tho. I’m with you- I can’t snack on Granny Smith by itself but paired with the right cheese, the combination of crispy juicy and crumbly salty is amazing.

It goes on for about 5 minutes too.

Teleprompters were the reason for his ratings.

I have no words for what you shared here other than that I am glad you have survived, and that I hope that you love yourself, because the dominant society tells us not to. This country was built from the genocide of your ancestors and mine, and I hope I live to see the day we rise up together.

Disclaimer: I am not Black. I’m multiracial, half Indigenous.

It’s a fowl idea. Sounds all wet to me. I can’t get down with it.

Before an IQ test, I would like 45 and his tiny hands to compete in a thumb wrestling contest, a sock puppet contest, and a basketball palming exhibition with Tillerson.

45 is gaslighting us, in a way. Sometimes I wonder if I’m crazy, rooting for Tillerson, Corker, Jeff Flake, and I’ll throw in Kim Jong Un after the “dotard” burn.

I mean, I think I understand what Geraldo is saying, but my goodness I had to wade through that to parse out meaning. He uses unnecessary dashes, pluralized “women” when he meant “woman”, and the sentence trailed off without having finished his thought. My 6th grade niece writes more cogently than this.