
If this is off topic, sorrynotsorry. I’m thinking about enrolling my 9 year old son in Cub Scouts, and this represents a significant change for me, because I am put off by their pseudo-Indigenous crap like “Fall Powwow”. I am an enrolled member of an Indigenous tribe, an organizer, and a history buff. I figured I

I hope she declines to visit the White House. 45 may not even invite her because she has a wherever and believes in science, which taken together, are two strikes in his book.

Just playin. I like it. The team of prolly like 11 songwriters has made pap that I can work out to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And I say this as I am blasting “Cupid” by Spinnerette and I cooked my breakfast to Hollie Cook “Body Beat”, so I have good taste.
“If he can be a ghost/I can be a phantom” is a great line.

Gonna put her react on my playlist.

You know, you’re right. All the 90s nostalgia (Super NES, Heathers reboot, Oregon Trail board game, uhhhhh other stuff I can’t think of) and we don’t have a Carmen Sandiego app for our kids. *shakes fist*

And invite me. I will go as Carmen Sandiego.

Arnica ointment will help with your bruise. It’s sold in the first aid section of drugstores, and the only name brand I know of is Arnicare, but there are probably others. I hope you recover quickly.

What British detective shows? I have two more episodes left of Sherlock before it’s over, and I’ll need a fix.

Anyone who is a hiring manager or has people directly reporting to you, please chime in. I have a job interview approaching, and it is a career change from special education to human services (elderly services). I haven’t been a supervisor before, so I feel under qualified, which I know not to say in the interview.

His son Jamie has directed some great documentaries that HBO usually picks up. The topics have varied. The ones I’m familiar with have been related to my work. There’s one on dyslexia, which I think Jamie has himself, not sure. Parts of “Resilience” were screened at a conference I went to last spring, and afterwards I

I stopped wearing makeup a few years ago, but I’ll cop some lip gloss and face stuff to support Rihanna and this ad campaign. It comes out on payday, so yeah.

Another Jez commenter posted that this trophy wife/failed actress/publicly pilloried author of humblebragging auto-hagiography/factchecking victim has only been married a few months to Munchkin. This means she and her first husband haven’t filed a joint tax return yet, so her siq”snapback” about how much she &

Is this a Netflix show? Please say yes because that’s all I eff with.

I quit social media a few months ago, and I wish I had done it a long time ago. The performativeness of social media and how it has somehow simultaneously cheapened and broadened activism are the two ugh factors for me. This is coming from someone who had a wedding hashtag. May this marriage last forever, away from

¡Pamplemousse por vida!

Mustache rides from Italian men. Excuse me, Eatalian men.

I’m koo with it. I was meh about pumpkin spice anything. I was also meh about pancakes. Then I fell in love with and married Trader Joe’s pumpkin pancake mix. The last two years, my human husband I stock up on it and buy like 7 boxes of it in late November. We started having a fly problem in June and it turns out our

Chamorro men are fine as hell, the two I have met. Please don’t vaporize them or their families or neighbors.
