
I’m ready to donate once I see you post a link. Feeling helpless.

Mom’s House, Dad’s House by Isolina Ricci was helpful to me.

I felt the same way, about not wanting to turn our son against his dad. His dad is an adoptee and my inexpert diagnosis is that he has difficulty respecting and trusting women. When we were married, we spent two trips trying to find his birth mother, and the emotional abuse hit peaks around those times. I also felt he

When my son was about 5 months old, I left his dad, my ex-husband, because of emotional abuse that escalated into physical abuse once I was pregnant with our planned baby. Since then, I have learned the terrifying statistics about the high incidence rates of Intimate Partner Violence on pregnant women. I had put up

The lead-in question to one of those responses is important. Mueller’s attorney asked Swift if she was critical of her bodyguard Greg Dent’s response to Mueller’s touching. This is what led to her response of “I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my ass.”

What is a stretch job? I think I get it from the context-like a job you are a stretch for?

And ice cream and KFC.

I don’t think my husband will be open to fostering or adoption. When we were trying, we didn’t try for very long at all. Less than 6 months, and he would cry on the months my period came. I would be a lot more chipper about it, and I believed what I was saying to himabout how it takes time. He’s very invested in

It’s a hell of a thing. The pain is on so many levels. I wake up to 3am anxiety attacks, and horrible thoughts of wishing I could die. I have never had these type of dark thoughts or anxiety attacks.

Justin Schweiger sounds like a terrible person. Accomplice to armed robbery, publicly threatening a person less than a month after the arrest, and his defense is that he has juvenile onset diabetes?

Time to put our heads between our knees and kiss our asses goodbye.

Thanks! I texted a nurse practitioner friend & she said the body aches & low grade fever are common with food poisoning.

Invite some shoe fetish types to have a go with Ivanka Trump shoes.

The only sex act he disapproves of is anything that isn’t him and Ivanka.

Only if the simultaneous orgasms of sweet sweet lovemaking occur during the totality of the eclipse, and dude’s boner is pointed at the sun. And if the woman likes cats.

Yeah, I’ve been telling people who seem a bit taken aback, like coworkers in other departments and then it turns out some of them have been through this too. Like if it’s a coworker I have a decent relationship with and I know it’s someone who I collaborate with often. It should be normalized. My coworkers who know

This is my 2nd time to have food poisoning. The first was an Indian food buffet, and it was about 11 years ago. I don’t remember the body aches. Could that be due to sleeping on the bathroom floor or is something else going on? I know my whole body tenses with the waves of stomach cramps. This sucks.

Same here. I wasn’t sure if he was the SpaceX guy or another guy, and I knew she was an actress but I don’t know any of her films. I am home sick with food poisoning today, so I will count this as my grief process. The trash can by my bed is the receptacle for dashed hopes about Elomber.

I had a miscarriage in late June. Thank you for writing this. This is something we do need to talk about more. After mine happened, I heard for the first time about the miscarriages of an aunt, my grandmother and sister-in-law. I really had no idea how common miscarriage is, and for me, it helped to know this.

I didn’t think Mel Gibson had such a hard time meeting women.