
Me on opening day.

Plenty of Indigenous cultures are matrilineal. Also, many Indigenous cultures are matrifocal too, with women who are mothers and especially grandmothers holding decision making power, although men do the speaking. It is assumed that women who are mothers will have a greater capacity to make decisions that affect the

I work with young kids and for my job, I was in a preK classroom the day after Prince’s death. I cried on my way to work, and I gave serious thought to taking the day off to stay at home and cry and watch Prince documentaries and live concerts I own, listen to soundboard bootlegs of Prince shows I was at. But I

Siq burn! (no sarcasm)

My 8 year old son has seen Moana four times and so far I have not commented on the fact that the hero is a girl. I don’t know if that would be othering Moana. My son is also half Asian, and I am not Asian, so I have commented more on the cultural revitalization that Moana brought to her people. Maybe his fifth time

I need Tom Ford like a fish needs a bicycle.

I read in a Cook’s Illustrated magazine a few years ago that it’s okay to peel the bottom few inches of the asparagus, not chopping any of it off, then cook the asparagus as you usually do. Works for me, and then there’s a bit more to eat.

The image for this article is the creation symbol for my tribe and I don’t understand what that has to do with pop culture from HBO. We do have other symbols that are similar to those of other cultures, like our symbol for water being similar to a Greek key design and our use of swastikas to symbolize whirlwinds,

Yep! <—- is what I came here to say and that your handle is great for this article.

Michael Shannon is like a sexy Kaa from the old Jungle Book. Malicious seductiveness that insinuates its way into his gaze, his dialogue. And those two pictures reversed all that for me, waaaaahh.

My mom and I can smell silk, and neither of us like it. It’s worse in places like department stores, where a bunch of silk blouses or scarves might be together. But even when someone is passing by wearing silk, I can smell it. Sort of a vinegary metallic smell that makes me feel queasy.

I fall asleep at like 80% of the movies I go to, even when I am enjoying the movie. I woke up to this bedazzled fabulous crab and I was disoriented x3.


I’m/we’re trying to conceive rn and I was terrified of Zika when it was on the other coast. In undergrad, during clinicals when I shadowed a licensed speech pathologist for a semester, one of the patients was a single parent with a few master’s degrees who had contracted West Nile virus, another mosquito-borne

Night cheese for president.

There is a call from the camp organizers to veterans, police officers, firefighters and first responders to make their way to the camp and to lock arms on the front lines when the camp is forcefully evicted on the 5th. The call also asks for the veterans/police/firefighters/first responders to wear their service

Meanwhile, my mom affectionately refers to my dad as “Shovelbutt” and has described his butt as “a frog standing on its hind legs.” I had the same butt but ;) then I started weight training and now Rita Wilson would appreciate it.

I watched the whole clip because I must believe the maple pumpkin pie with buttery walnut topping is going to bake itself. My question is if Mariah stays up all night and goes to bed around 5/6am, who is raising her kids? I mean I know the answer, but damn.

Do I wash it with whites or colors?

Negan’s character is not interesting in the show. I’m hanging on by a thread because I’ve read the comics and I’m hoping we see more of Dwight and Maggie’s stories (vague wording vaguely worded). I fell asleep during the last episode and didn’t ask my fiancé what I missed when I did. Not a good sign.