Free Leonard Peltier.
Free Leonard Peltier.
While rubbing his palms together.
One of the water protectors may need amputation after her injuries from a concussion grenade. This article has a picture of the gore and fractured bone that is left of Sophia Wilanski’s arm. You’ve been warned.
Even the men’s outfits were bad.
I would like these parents to meet the mom who is suing her 17 year old for seeking gender reassignment surgery.
Interesting! I want to know more about how to do this too. I filled out a few applications on Trump’s Now Hiring website last night. Boaty McBoatface applied for Marine Mammal Commission and Ku Klux Klan applied for a shit ton of jobs.
I got my 1st grade teacher fired. There’s this federal program, Johnson O’Malley or JOM, and I don’t know exactly what it does but it has something to do with “Indian” education. (If I have to be labeled, I prefer it by the name of my tribe or as Indigenous, not as “Indian”.) JOM letters got sent home in our…
You guys, I just had my annual performance review. I led my region in the production of Molotov cocktails and exceeded normal output standards. As a shill, my strengths are in initiating and executing innovative solutions to wearing all black to protests. I’m pretty stoked because my supervisor said my capacity for…
So much fivehead.
Middle-aged White ladies from the Midwest.
Right click and save.
I lol’d!
The OP got shared 8 times. Asdgdhfgnfjgjgm
This has been a practice in my culture since who knows how long. I don’t know if it’s considered medicinal, but every village has an old woman we see when our head “falls in”, which is almost always during stressful or difficult times. She rubs your head for a while, sometimes quite vigorously and it can be a bit…
My boyfriend works as a librarian and he said a lot of patrons are requesting books about guns, from what appears to be all parts of the left/right spectrum and all skin colors. The populace is arming itself.
Could you woman a water station to pass out water bottles (wasteful) or a wagon with a cooler jug of water for refills? Maybe host a sign making party or donate sign making materials? Maybe join the march towards the end and speak on the bullhorn, saying whatever you are willing to share about your condition and how…
A fly on the wall that goes backpacking.