Future Cadavre

Gay men can also be misogynists.

I think you miss the point. It’s not just about having a degree in psychology, though if I’d had Google before I did 40 years worth of work, I could just have not bothered turning up to work every day! Because being in at the deep end is obviously just anecdotal evidence... What interests me is that you are so

Hi. I’m one of many victims/survivors of Nesset’s. He pursued me when I was a teenager and has remained a terrifying presence in my life ever since. I was so relieved when he went to prison because I finally got to experience a sense of relative safety. He is the reason many of us have depression, PTSD, and horrific

The problem with your statement is, in order to be rehabilitated, he must first give his consent for such treatment. Which is more consent than his victims were able to give, even had they been of an age/ allowed to. Second, very few child sex offenders, especially hardened collectors of child pornography like this

Yes, you’re right. All crimes are equal. What he did was literally the same as stealing bread to feed his starving family. Only you are wise enough to have figured this out.

From what I’ve seen, Jez does not slam her; it’s the commenters. It’s mostly a bunch of 30-60 year old white women who have never done sex work. That’s the vibe I get, anyway.

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It’s a little funny because like 50% of Jezebel’s content is shaming (and frequently rightful shaming!) so these articles really just seem like “Wait, *I’m* being shamed!?”

Exactly, the writers here are acting irresponsibly and are trying to defend their actions because they truly believe they are above reproach. What makes it even worse is that they coopt the language of social justice in order to defend themselves.

Nailed it. The author got called out for acting like a privileged asshole and turned to her platform to scream about being persecuted. Cry me a river.

Oh good, 2020 was the rise of a global pandemic, and in 2021 we see the rise of Skynet.  *jazzhands*

How long before she starts placing Amazon orders when she decides you need something?

And it’s funny that a couple weeks ago it was like “Look at these fucking Trump plague rats with their maskless rallies!” but now it’s “Well, people need a social outlet. You don’t know their economic background. Maybe that circuit party was medically necessary?”

I read this and immediately thought... “White Affluent Gay” says what?

This is not a report, this is not an article, this is an opinion piece that seems to be excusing and apologizing for all the affluent (mostly white) gays that have been learning about accountability in real time. While vilifying and gaslighting the

Yeah, I’m not really sure who this article is for. If shame doesn’t work, then shaming the shamers also doesn’t work.

I’m guessing a photo of Rich partying showed up on the account?

Exhibit A: Amber Guyger.

I don’t think weaponizing Karens is a good idea...

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

I didn’t watch the show until it was over and I was in college, so my roomie and I binged pretty much the whole series over a couple of weeks. Our takeaway was that Carrie is somebody you are not supposed to like—- she is the most childish of the bunch, the most selfish, and she has zero growth over the course of the