Future Cadavre

I’ll break this into two parts:

I don’t think it actually matters much who was seeking the pardon, at least not as far as the administration’s potential role is concerned.

Is finding hot people hot gay?

I do appreciate this continued coverage of Trans rights and related issues by The Root.

The Mayor of 9/11" to “The 9/11 of Mayors”

Dear Fuck Up,

This is such a positive mental image. I may meditate on it.

You don’t. Slowly back away and tell them there is a 5G tower behind them. Then run. 

I think I saw your posts there, and they were very informative. People think they will be better than others during crises, but just the fact that you were able to get out of that toxic environment and move on shows how strong and wonderful you are!

Oh yeah.  I have had a couple of exchanges where I could not get that shit out of my head.  One from here kinda still needles me from time to time. My rational mind says “pay no attention, let it go” etc but...  Anyway, I get it.  

Those look gorgeous!

It can’t be done. This is a very dangerous and terrifying time in our country and it should produce anxiety.

In fairness, I’m sure he personally didn’t whip up this travesty (Does Drake cook? Have a cook? All take-out all the time?). But when presented with the menu did he request this? Get talked into it? Say “Suprise me!”? Who knows!

I jumped on the wave to make icons so I started a shop on Etsy and made decent coin!

You seem really adamant and filled with righteous rage against workers getting paid a decent wage

If you were a millionaire owner of a fast food franchise, or a billionaire who was an heir to a fast food fortune, that rage would actually make sense since it would align with your class position as an exploiter of labor.



Or...smart enough to only put out the minimum effort, since their boss is only paying them the minimum wage?

Why give a $30 an hour level of job performance for $7.25?

As a matter of fact I have. I also know that the adult thing to do is to ask my neighbors to be a little quieter in the morning instead of taking the entitled attitude that their noise in the morning means it’s OK to make noise in the middle of the night.

what do these healing conversations entail? how do you go about them?

“Creepy” is a personal judgment having a great deal to do with one’s cultural matrix, so the answer is figuratively and literally all over the map, and in any given place it changes through history. This is also true of any legal aspects.

This is always an uncomfortable situation for the complainer because of the fear of retribution or a bad response by the noise offender. IMO, it's rare that the noise-maker feels bad or sorry about making the noise. Usually if you do a noise complaint, the immediate reaction is a defensive (aggressive) one. It's