Future Cadavre

I completely agree. I am done as well. The irresponsibility of this article on the eve of a recall and at a time when women’s rights have never been so threatened in our lifetimes is absolutely breathtaking.

I’m sure there’s a reason for this article, and maybe your therapist can help you find it.

What the actual fuck is this article? This weird “both sides are awful” when one side is trying to keep people from getting sick and dying, but also said some crap things and went to a fancy restaurant that one time, and the other side wants to remove all mask mandates, limit voting rights, limit the right to choose

Congratulations. This is the straw that broke me. After I publish this comment I will be blocking this site and never returning.

I can’t tell when it exactly happened, but this place has become a total dumpster fire. And inhaling smoke causes cancer.


Yeah, this is how you get ants but for you know... worst pests and nasty critters like the nutters running to unseat Newsom. Very irresponsible and makes you think about how it’s all for the rage clicks...

I need to stop reading this stupid website. Seriously, the unnecessary snark and irresponsible shit like this are getting really old.

Newsom isn’t perfect, he’s made some mistakes. But most every person in power has made a mistake or two during the pandemic. Overall he’s done a pretty good job handling the pandemic. This article is ridiculous and really irresponsible. We can’t risk have Elder or any of those other morons being in charge of the 5th

Let’s be clear here about what’s happening right now on Jezebel.com:

What is Jezebel these days? In the run up to the recall, what does posting this do to further the cause of feminism? I’m not denying the facts of the article, but why post this NOW?

Just so we’re clear with the numbers

I put my vote in the mail weeks ago to keep Newsom. While he’s done some questionable things, he isn’t a literal garbage bag full of shit like Larry Elder. 

I don’t really understand where the “it isn’t our business” takes are coming from. This is a classic celebrity scandal (drugs! cheating with strippers! a secret baby! a scheming mistress!), and it’s fascinating because it cuts directly across the image Mulaney has sold himself on for years. (It’s almost literary how

I think some people from the #FreeBritney movement are going to have to prepare to be disappointed in her. Not to say that she can’t and shouldn’t be in charge of her own life, just to say that we all make mistakes or the occasional choice that we believe is right but looks bizarre to the outside world. It feels like

I’m annoyed for Anna Marie on behalf of Jewish women everywhere. 

A long time ago during whichever year the Civil War took place in, fantastic and brilliant General Robert E. Lee was not at all a traitor, which was fake news, and won his war against the totally corrupt and dangerous Anti-Confederacy, or as they are increasingly known as the Anticonfa.

Look, I get it. You showed your ass, got called out, double down (points for chutzpah, I guess,) and demonstrated you don’t know shit from Shinola. So now your pivot position is to no longer even try to engage substantively with what I was saying, and affirmatively misrepresent my comments as R. Kelly apologia,

I mean I made my point and you missed every part of it

This type of monetary deferral only applies when someone has been convicted of a crime in certain states and Kelly hasn’t been convicted of anything in terms of sexual violence.

I think women understand men and where their heads are at a whole lot better than men understand women. Because we have to.

You see similar things with female central characters. Girls and women are willing to read about and take the perspectives of male central characters, but boys and men seem incredibly reluctant to do the same for female central characters. It’s depressing.