“there is nothing to go by with just that information that points to discrimination as the root cause”
“there is nothing to go by with just that information that points to discrimination as the root cause”
And fields in which women are underrepresented pay less why? They choose these fields why? They are disinterested in other fields why? You’ve made it abundantly clear you don’t care about the why, so what’s the point in continuing this discussion with you?
Sex-based hiring discrimination and wage discrepancies are not made just by perception, even when based on statistical averages. But, sure, if you dismiss rather a priori the complex intersection of social phenomena that skew those averages in a particular direction, it’s just a person failing to measure up.
I’ll just repost this since I figure you didn’t see the edit:
No, that is not what I am selling. You’re focusing on the “unpaid” part of that phrase as opposed to the “compulsory” nature of it. Yes, actually, someone has to perform those tasks — as well as myriad others far more taxing (child-rearing and elder care, as mentioned by another poster above). And the time spent…
You are conflating compulsory unpaid labor with choice. It sounds like you are coming from the perspective that they could simply not do any of that, and that someone else would inevitably pick up the slack. But the distribution of household labor is not equitable, and barring one exception (link), the number of hours…
Dammit. Beat me to it!
Whatever you do, do not ever read the comments at Apartment Therapy. People are SO ANGRY that others have the ~audacity~ to not be them.
But see, only the kids will die. Their idiot, fully-vaccinated anti-vax parents will live on -- either into their hundreds, because vaccines, or until they are killed in some sort of stupid gender reveal-related mishap.
Absolutely. My dalliances with open relationships have still involved tons of lying — when I was not the primary partner, the guy lied to me about his wife’s boundaries, telling me only after we had sex that it wasn’t in the agreement; when I was the primary partner, the guy never told anyone else he was seeing that I…
As a person who’s been living with depression (or, more accurately, slowly dying from depression, let’s be real) my main problem with the “JUST EXERCISE!” ethos is that it compounds the already miles-long list of things I fail to do to be Normal and Happy* — which my brain interprets as a failure to do because I am A…
Ewwww, that beard. Sometimes I worry these chumps will watch Handmaid’s Tale as a blueprint for future legislative efforts, but console myself knowing it would go right over their heads. It never occurred to me that they would look to it (like, literally look; looking is so much easier than watching) for facial hair ti…
Yep! Lived in a big stinky Reed house off 37th many moons ago.
Well, I’m sure I am someone else’s Trimet horror story. I was carless and had to pick up my cat from the vet, so I packed him up in a little carrier and got on the 17 to go home. I thought nothing of it until I was halfway there, when I felt some weird ...WARMTH spreading across my lap. Turns out my cat, in his sad,…
Second West Coast show added:
Wow, I’d never heard of this! (No pun intended.) That sounds not only annoying, but potentially scary. Glad you’re feeling better!